
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/08/01 06:10:38
是have the air polluted 还是 have the air pollution? 考英语四级有什么前提条件限制?例如年龄年级段? This is a car race near our town every year.In1995,there was a very big race. 是 We sell our things at a very good price.还是 We sell our things in a very good price.还是 We sell our things with a very good price.是 They have many things at girls.还是 They have many things to girls.还是 They have many things for girl To our surprise the rich man went there on foot _____car Ainstead Binstead of byTo our surprise the rich man went there on foot _____carAinstead Binstead of by BEC要求初级要有公共英语四级的水平,那么是不是要考公共英语四级呢?根据BEC考试大纲的要求,学习BEC初级需要有公共英语四级的水平;中级需要有大学英语四级到六级的水平;高级需要有六 _ the street and you will see the hospital A.Go cross B.Go across C.To across D.Across Cross the street turn right and then walk straight on(改为同义句)__ __ the street and then go__ __ 《海底两万里》英文简介,一千字左右的 have you ever driven a bmw DIRVE 后为什么加N 详细解释这种单词后加N的句子谢谢帮助 《海底两万里》的英文怎么说?leagues 第一届真正意义上的世博会是那一年在哪个城市举办的 Rice,air and water ( )all important for us is or are Rice,air and water ( )all important for us is or are 应该是is吧 讲明白哦 All the water,the rice and the air ( )be important for us 英语二选一选择题.Air and water ( ) important.【is;are】 情话,骗子说傻瓜听是情侣网名 有没有另一半的网名 现在就想知道 Water and air ( ) important.A.has B.is C.have D.are Mary is reading a book ()is too difficult for himthe family()()Ianstaying with lives in town 英语翻译 你这个骗子 怎么说? 报考四级有什么要求么就是有没什么要求,像我这种读自考系的,可否直接报考 战国时在人与自然关系上观点截然相反的两位思想家a.孟子和荀子b.墨子和庄子c.荀子和庄子d.韩非子和孟子理由 “可持续发展”、“建设生态文明”,就是实现人与自然和谐发展.战国时期,我国哪位思想家提出来的?主要主张是什么? 英语翻译RANJITSINGH MOHANSINGH DHILLON PIYUSH MANSUKHBHAI PATEL Akhil Sharmaf是个印度名字,翻译成汉语应该是什么名字? 英语翻译Ingeborg Hoesterey请问有什么规律吗? 印度人名翻译Mayur Muley 英语翻译可以简单说下依据吗 在翻译想要个标准的译名 This film is very _______(amaze and I'm______(amaze) at it. This is an i___ story,i l____ is very much.横线应该填什么以I开头的单词已及以L开头的单词呢 大家都认为你们是一个骗子团伙 我又能说什么 你知道我的心情吗 英语翻译