
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/09 12:09:59
急求用以下成语或俗语写一段100-150个字的话买椟还珠 满目疮痍 貌合神离 每况愈下 门可罗雀 靡靡之音 面目全非 目无全牛 沐猴而冠 麻雀虽小五脏俱全 选其中四个及以上即可 请用下面价格成语写一段不少于150字的话(至少用四个成语)精卫填海、愚公移山、含辛茹苦、任劳任怨、艰苦卓绝、百折不饶、千里迢迢、肝胆相照、风雨无阻、坚贞不屈、赤胆忠心、全 用练习三里的成语写一段关于孙悟空的话,150字 请求出(sinx)^3的幂级数展开式 求(sinx/x)积分n次后之幂级数展开式 根据提示写出带“马”的成语 声势浩大 单独行动 立了功劳 扩充实力 心里不定越多越好 根据提示,写出带有:"马”字的成语 1粗略的看 2立了功劳 3快上加快 4单独行动 5随便走走6走在前列7心思不定8扩充实力 1.They has a map,and he has a picture.2.Kate has an apple.What do you have?3.We has some fish.What do you have?4.What do Sam have?He has a tin of chinken.5.What are they doing?They is eating.6.Is Tom clean the windows?Yes,he is.7.Do Sam doing his hom whose puppet is it?It's my 小学英语改错题,It's time to play game.Some rice are on the table.Where is the cakes,do you know? 小学英语的改错题where were you now I'm in the piayground. 一道小学英语改错题The nurse washes the baby three times a day.这是原句,但个人认为没问题,希望各位朋友帮一下忙,先谢谢啦 写出带马的成语 一、粗略地看 二、 立了功劳 三、快上加快 ...写出带马的成语 一、粗略地看 二、 立了功劳 三、快上加快 四、单独行动 五、地势平坦 六、声势浩大 七、扩充实力 八、人 英语句子改错!帮个忙1.It mustn't be Mr Zhang.He has gone to Beijin.2.Why is it better getting there by ship than by has?3.You have failed so many times,why don't you try to do it in another way?4.He tried hard to get a job in that famer's com 根据提示写出带马字的成语冲在前面粗略地看()快上加快 冲在前面()扩充实力()立了功劳()战斗力强()心思不定()单独行动() 游字开头的成语?谁有 (游) 字开头的成语? 神武 这个符号怎么打那个符号怎么打啊 不是° 是Ice旁边的 神武 这个符号怎么打啊 这个符号怎么打啊 是那个横杆 带有"以"字的成语 有哪些含“入"字的成语 求十字开头的成语.词组!越多越好! 英语改错题,会的来.做对给追加.Dick smith is fourteen year old.He is in grade2 he go to.the school at eight .on the morning and comes back home in half,past three he in study English .math and other subjects .He doesn't do ,many homework a 5道英语改错题...答的好有分追加以下题目中均有一个单词是错的..请改正.!1.Ann felt happily on her birthday last Sunday.2.---Who teaches your English this term? ---Mr Green does.3.Peter,with his friends,are going to have a s 四面体A-BCD中,AB=AD=CD=1,BD=√2,四面体A-BCD中,AB=AD=CD=1,BD=√2,BD垂直CD,平面ABD垂直平面BCD,则该四面体外接球的体积为多少 环节动物和节肢动物的共同特点是? 环节动物和节肢动物的共同特征 如何区分节肢动物和环节动物?(蚂蝗是节肢动物还是环节动物?)那蝗虫是节肢动物还是环节动物啊?这两种动物的区分总是弄不清楚! 环节动物、节肢动物的结构特点 英语改错题,求教~The worst matter which i'm afraid of happened in the end This kind of glesses made by experienced craftsmen is worn comfortableIt is often saying that human beings are naturally equipped to speakWhen walked down the street,I ca 环节动物和节肢动物是什么? 求教英语改错题 英语翻译“谁带走了我的外套?还能再回来吗?又是天意?”就是上面这句