
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 20:39:24
过去的英语怎么写呀我想知道呀 过去英文怎么写 在过去英文怎么写-----------------(在过去)my grandma cleaned my clothes好的话...追分 那是过去的事了 英语怎么写 英语填空怎么做 妈妈你在做什么?英语怎么写? 1.9X的平方=4(3X-1) 2.2X平方+(1+根号下3)X+根号下3=0 3.5X平方-X-m平方=0 (m为任意实数)一起 come 来 记得标清楚下第几个 我把分全给他 一根钢材长三分之二米,重三分之二千克,那么,这根钢材的四分之三重多少千克? 一块钢材横截面是正方形,边长五分米,长三米,它的表面积是多少平方分米?合多少平方米?它的体积是多少平方米?合多少平方分米?每立方米钢材7.8千克,它重多少千克? 几道简单英语填空1.Einsten was a great scientist of the century,but he was fond of music ,too.___ ___ ___Einsten a great scientist of the century,but also he enjoyed music.2.Generally spaeking,India is a country similar to China in many ways.F 几道很简单的英语天填空1.How are you __________________your classmates?(和……相处)2.I'm not really _________________.I'll just have an ice cream.(j饥饿)3.They ______________ue on some matters yesterday afternoon.(同意) 几道简单的英语填空, 几道简单的英语填空帮着看看it is important to learn (f )language.we should speak enlish as much as (p ).还有十和十二的序数词怎么写 几道简单的英语填空, 英语完形填空帮忙写写To master a language,one must be able to ( ) and ( )the spoken language as well as to read and write,because( ) and ( )are becoming more and more important.About writing,the most important thing is to make your idea in c 这个英语完形填空怎么写?People ___11_____ under different star signs have different ways of ____12____ sorry.Aries:Arians think they are lovely and gentle and it is __13______ for them to do the wrong things and they will never hurt ___14__ 英语完形填空求做 这道英语完形填空怎么写呢?Dogs have been man's good friends for t________of years.Many stories told how brave dogs helped people in t_____.With the help of dogs,many people l______in snow found their way home.Dogs have also helped in many x是怎样的实数时,下列各式在实数范围内有意义?根号2x+9 一种钢材六分之五米重二十分之九吨,这种钢材每米重多少吨?每吨长多少米? 一个长条形钢材,5分之3米重20分之1吨,平均每米钢材重几吨,每吨钢材长多少米 当X为何值时,根号2X减1分之1在实数范围内有意义 当x是怎样的实数时,根号下2x减3加x加1分之1在实数范围内有意义 英语综合填空I have always been interested in clowns(小丑).The earliest thing I can remember ,as a child of three ,is seeing a pair one very _____(36).A traveling circus (马戏团) came to our town and my parents took me to see it .When w 英语的综合填空求帮忙Do you know how to get well fast when you are ill?Here is some_1_for you.Rest is very important ._2_in bed ande rest a lot.Try have a good sleep.Sleep helps to make you feel better,and the more sleep you get,zhe_3_you wi 英语的综合填空.(急)Mike got in the bus tu ga town.It was very crowded and he had to s___ for about five minutes.After some of the passengers go o___ ,he sat down next to a fat lady,She had several shopping bags and Mike did not have much 英语,综合填空help,make ,say,feel,exercise,try ,health,improve,well,eatI am a heavy boy.I often _____ tired and I don't feel like ____ anything .And I cannot follow the teachers in class.My mother tells me ____ with her early in the morning.She 英语 综合填空 once upon a time ,a king ordered his men to built a new road.After it was f___,he wanted to see who could travel the road best.Many people came for the c___.They traveled all day .W___they finish ,they complained to the king that 列式一根圆柱形钢材长2米,将他平均截成3段后,表面积就增加了36平方厘米,每立方厘米钢重7.8克,求原钢材重多少千克? 一段圆柱体长5米,横截成两个小圆柱,表面积增加了20平方厘米.如果每立方厘米钢重7.8克,这段钢材重多少千克? 一段圆柱形钢材长4米,横截成两个小圆柱表面积增加了20平方厘米.每平方厘米钢重7.8克,这段钢材重多少千克? 一个长6分米的圆柱形钢材切割2节小圆柱后表面积比增加了20平方厘米每立方厘米钢重7.8克共重多少千克?急用!