
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 04:57:06
作“因为”讲时,because,as,since,for有什么区别?都怎么用? This farm animal has got four legs.It's eating.And it's mooing. 这是什么动物? 英语谜语lt has a mouth and an ear ,but it has no head or legs.lt has no head but wears a hat,lt has a mouth and an ear ,but it has no head or legs.lt has no head but wears a hat,lt has a mouth but can't speak. 英语谜语问:What has no legs,but can walk all day and all night? 一道小心数学题如果abc代表一个3位数a为百位b为十位c为个位,def也是代表一个3位数,abcdef位6位数,现在已知abc这个3位数加def这个3位数能被37整除,求证abcdef这个6位数能被37整除. 猜一个英语谜语:What has no legs,but can walk all day and all night?It's_________________. It is long.It has no legs.It's a dangerous animal.是什么动物 若代数式ax^3-3x^2-cx-3x^3+bx^2-3是关于x的二次式,则( )(A)a=3,b≠3 (B)a≠3,b=3(C)a≠3,b≠-3(D)a=-3,b=-3 注意是要用"分式方程"呀!A,B两地相距80千米,甲由A地出发B地,1时后,乙用1.5倍的速度从A地出发追甲.当乙追到B地时,甲已早到20分.求甲的速度._________________________________________________________________某 because,since,as,now that,for之间的区别 我写作文总是想不到好的作文题目,大家给个建议我见大家写作文都可以想到很经典的作文题目,但我总是想不到,给个建议,我是不是应该多读书还是. 1km多少米?0.15km多少米? 以“真的是这样”以作文题目,可以怎样写作文? 转动惯量的积分计算公式? now that与since的区别在哪,求详细解释 送分你我是指定了用户提问的 - - 海洋占了地球的百分之多少? ——a book in the library,enter a key in the computer.A.To find B.Find B项为什么不对? translate the book into ——a book in the library,enter a key in the computer.ATo find BFind CTo write DWrite Try to translate every word into Chinese.(改为否定句) 英语 第一页就够了第一页的标题是Try not to translate every word.浙江的我一人格保证,没加的话可以举报我 Try not to translate every word Try [ ] translate every word a not to b to not c to d no to How many these words you could comprehend depends on how deep your loneliness is.How many these words you could comprehend de...请帮我翻译 Many teenagers have hobbies .But sometime these hobbies can get ______ of schoolwork.A,in the way B,out of the way选哪个?为什么? 英数题 If 7 matches can make a square,ten matches can make 3 squares,how many squares can 100(接matches make? ________ are these pants?10 yuan.A.How much B.How many C.How long D.How old 简述由猿到人的进化过程 从猿到人的演变过程是什么? 从猿到人的进化过程中起到重要作用的是