
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 05:12:41
if only i __play the guitar as well as you!A.would B.couldC.ShouldD.might答案是B而不是A,为什么,有没有错啊? 同问 if only i __play the guitar as well as you!A.would B .couldC.ShouldD.might答 有首英文歌里面的歌词i will be there as soon as i can but.男歌手声音很空洞,我忘了歌名了,向大家求救.我希望告诉我这首歌叫什么名字? Can you play the guitar? _____,but I can sing and dance wellA.Yes,I can B.No,I can'tC.Yes,I doD.No,I dont -there will be a storm soon.-i am afraid _ A:it-there will be a storm soon.-i am afraid _A:it B:not C:there won't D:maybe 然后给我讲一下为什么谢谢啦 有关于圆的 附图 如图,P,Q是△ABC的边AB,AC上的两点,在BC上求作一点R使△PQR的周长最短 古文“其”字的一般用法并举例. 文言文中“而”字的用法及举例 I can play the guitar.对play the guitar提问( )( )you( 笔画横折折勾怎么写 Dearl made a mistake has been punished,maybe life not be enough.nowl knowl should giveup,because of the pain in my heart will never heal to be with you中文意思不要歌词的中文 要歌名的! 横折折勾笔画写出来是什么, nothing i'll be afraid..这句话...不太懂首先nothing是强调吧..可以摆到最后..就是i'll be afraid nothing 这样不是缺介词了吗.. I have nothing to be afraid.(改错) Fly away Nothing I will be afraid又是什么意思! 竖折勾算几笔画? nothing i will be afraid 原形是什么 学字第五笔的笔画名称是横折还是横勾 There is nothing I will be afraid letis do it! 7m-2.5m=13. 5m+2n=3 7m+6n=1 m=? log以2为底1+x/1-x的对数,如何判断增减性 what i do it's not your business什么意思? Ross:Not that it's any of your business 这句话not that为什么这样排列?属于什么语法现象啊?倒桩语句吗? Not that it's your business,but we did go out.是老友记哪一集中的? It's not your business是什么意思 请问:7m+2n/5(m+n) :4m+13n/3(m+n)=183:385怎么做到结果得m:n=3:57m+2n/5(m+n) :4m+13n/3(m+n)=183:385怎么做到结果得m:n=3: 方程组:m+2n=3,5m+7m=18;求m、n带完整过程 数列{ an}{ bn}满足关系式bn=1*a1+2*a2+3*a3…+nan/1+2+3+…+n若{ an}为等差数列,求证数列{ bn}也是等差数列 《钢铁是怎样炼成的》故事情节概括800字初中生作文