
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/20 05:48:05
设长方体的三棱长分别为a,b,c,若此长方体的所有棱长之和为24,一条对角线长为5,体积为2则1/a+1/b+1/c等于—— 这三句话有没有语病.She was played the games very night.She would not listen teacher lecture.She apologized to teacher for not listen teacher lecture. 语文作文的主旨怎么分析才能抓住重点 对于文章的主旨怎样才能正确分析出(具体步骤) 文章分析:的主旨是什么?(内含文)济阴之贾人原文 济阴之贾人,渡河而亡其舟,栖于浮苴之上,号焉.有渔者以舟往救之,未至,贾人急号曰:"我济阴之巨室也,能救我,予尔百金!"渔者载而升诸陆,则 "Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love."这句话是谁说的?如题 RT 长方体棱长总和是24厘米,长宽高的比是3:2:1,体积是多少 跳皮筋有几种花样?名称是什么?同上 跳皮筋的玩法示意图.多些啊.急 跳皮筋的玩法都有哪些?如果分组玩,输赢怎么算?对失败方的惩罚是什么? 一篇关于跳皮筋的作文 《童趣》点明文章主旨的是哪一句 《童趣》这篇课文的主旨是什么 He often begins with his classes ______ (tell) an interesting story 钱不是万能的'没钱是万万不能的. 钱不是万能的,但没钱是万万不能的! I cannot be held responsible----oher people's mistakes用in,at ,for 求Rolling In the Deep高潮:We could have had it all开始我用来做手机铃声求Rolling In the Deep高潮:We could have had it all开始我用来做手机铃声,发到188328699@qq.com, 下面这段文章中有三处语病,请修改.(3分)在那段日子里,每当傍晚快要降临之前,小虫就来拜访我住所边上的松树.我就抓住机会跟踪它们,观察它们.金龟子是最准时的昆虫之一.它在夏至露面, 下面这段文字中三处画线处有语病,请找出并加以改正雨是有灵性的东西,①它不仅给各种人以向往,以各种不同的满足;它还能洗涤人的肉体污秽安抚人的灵魂.雨丝,②在其造型上看,像是连接 帮忙修改下文章语病为了规范公司办理业务开具的发票的正规性,提高报销的效率.这句话觉得有语病, he --- --- help the children here. ENGLISH MAJOR COME HERE!HELPThere are two different schools of thought in this city of others ,one that would like to preserve traces of the bomb,and the other that would like to get rid of everything,even the monument that was erected at the point o hey help me here its urgentgre 报名网为啥打不开阿? 紫藤萝瀑布的 .本文通过写----,-----,-----,(←4~5个字)揭示文章主旨的. The wind is blowing ____.(strong) "倪"怎么读,什么意思? 倪怎么读 make an exception in our casemake an exception 例外in our we can make f___ with our new classmates.填空 像静静的这样的词急 can you keep my book on the shelf for the present 中文翻译