
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 02:57:13
形容待人友善的成语5个 形容待人热情的成语要成语 一根三米长的绳子,剪成长度相等的4断,每段长多少米?用分数表示每段是这绳子的几分之几? 一根绳子,剪去它的1/5,减去的长度是剩下的几分之几? 什么叫溢流阀的调定压力?如何调整 馒头发霉是不是化学变化 一个底面是正方形的长方体,高是16厘米,侧面展开正好是一个正方形,求这个长方体的表面积 高中所有化学方程式 初、高中所有的化学方程式! The teacher told us that we should _____football in the street.A.didn't playB.to not playC.not play D.not to play The girl told me that she wanted to be an English teacher when she ()(grow)up 动词填空 The teacher told me the students that they____to be useful men to the country.A.were allexpected B.were all expecting C.all were expected D.allexpected 将一个体积为75.36立方分米的圆柱形零件熔铸成一个底面直径为12分米的圆锥体零件,圆锥的高是多少? 求形容教师责任的成语比如、教书育人 某物物流公司的甲乙两货车分别从相距300千米的A,B两地同时出发相向而行,并以各自的速度匀速行驶,辆车行驶1.5小时后甲车先到配货站C地,此时两车相距30千米,甲车在C地用1小时配货,然后按原 the teacher told the students that they were going to have a meeting that day.the lady asked him not to smoke in the waiting room变为直接引语 teacher told me that the students I wanted to see were seen___ football on the playground just now.A.playing B.to be playing C.play D.to play 什么食物可补充能量 英语年月日怎么读举2个例子,1958.8.29(MJ的出生日期) 和2009.6.26 (MJ的去世日期) 请问从2005年3月到11月这段时间用英文如何翻译 时间要一个小时英语怎么读! 化学方程式写为汉字Fe+CuSo4=FeSo4+Cu(此行中o为氧)6P+5o3=3P2o5(此行中o为氧)2Co+2No=2Co2+N2(此行中o为氧)C6H12o6+6o2=6Co2+6H2o(此行中o为氧)H2+CL2=2HCLAL2o3+N2+3C=2ALN+3Co(此行中o为氧)2CH3CooH+CaCo3=(CH3Coo)2Ca+ 化学方程式写成汉字 A,B两地相距300千米,某物流公司的甲,乙两辆货车分别从A,B两地同时相向而行,并以各自的速度匀速行驶,途径配货站C,甲车行驶1.5小时后先到达C地,并在C地用1小时配货,然后按原速度开往B地,乙车 A、B两地相距300千米,某物流公司的甲乙两辆货车分别从A B两地同时出发相向而行并以各自的速度匀速行驶途径配货站C,甲车1.5小时时先到达C地,并在C地用1小时配货,然后按原速度开往B地,乙车 A、B两地相距300千米,某物流公司的甲乙两辆货车分别从A B两地同时出发相向而行并以各自的速匀速行驶两车行驶1.5小时后甲车先到达配货地c地,此时两车相距30km甲车在c地用一小时配货,然后 下面形体是由棱长为1厘米的小正方体搭拼成的,他的表面积是( )平方厘米至少还需要( )个这样的小正方体,才能搭拼成棱长为3厘米的一个正方体 一个长方体和一个正方体的棱长之和相等以知长方体的长8厘米,宽5厘米,正方体的体积是多少立方厘 The little girl told me this morning that she _____only eight years old. she is not the girl that she used to be和 she is not like the girl what she used to be 这两句为什么一个用that 一个用what 一个长方体和一个正方体的棱长之和相等,已知长方体的长8厘米,宽5厘米,正方体的体积是多少立方 That young girl is not the one ___she used to be.A.that B.who C.whom D.what 2.We were next-door neighbors for three yeas,during ___time we met only twice.3.I don't like the way ____ he looks at me.A.in that B.which C.of which D./ 4.I took my friend t