
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/09 00:42:31
以下这首歌的歌名是什么?0 55|11 22 3 2 34 |31 2176 7.6 5 55 |11 .....| 一个两位小数,个位和十分位的数相同,百分位上的数是十分位上的数的3倍,各数位上的和是15.这个两位小数是多少?要算式,不要方程 1:一个俩层的书架,上层有324本书,如果上层拿24本放入下层,那么俩层书就一样多了.俩层原有共有多少本书?2:有一盒红色和换色的玻璃球,每次同时取出5个红色,和7个黄色玻璃球,连取四次后, 俄国著名数学家罗蒙诺索夫像邻居借《数学原理》一书,邻居对他说:“你帮我劈10天柴,我就把书送给你,另给你20个卢布.”结果他只劈了7天柴.邻居把书送给他后,另外付了5个卢布.《数学原理 小学五年级上册数学的寒假作业答案 2013年寒假作业数学答案练习20~23的答案,拜托了.谢谢 诸位爱老虎油~是国标的:P 2013小学五年级寒假作业数学第二部分练习二答案 两道【英语】选择题!1.Mary often () Tom () how to spend the holidays.A.differs with;inB.differed for;onC.differs from;inD.differed from;on2.----Do you like () there? ----Oh,yes.the air,the weather,the way of life,Everything is so nice.A.thi 1.--Bad luck!It's too late!--It doesn't matter.The movie_____for only a few minutes.you can't miss it.A.has begun B.has been on C.begin D.was on2.Internet bars should't let people under 18 in or let anyboby _____bad things.A.watch B.to watch C.watche 我用一周时间读完了这一本书 it takes me a week ( ) ( )( ) the book 这些男孩子每天骑自行车上学.the boys ( ) ( ) ( ) to school every day Susan( )park and goes( )a hospital on her way to school every day.A.passes;pass B.past;pass C.passes;past 选C.为什么咧?My mum ( )me tidy up my room every morning.A.asks B.makes C.decides Many fans are always collecting a lot of information(.A ) with their favourite stars.A associated.B to associate.为什么不选B 表目的.The manner ( in which) the decision was announced was extremely regrettable.此处为什么用in which 1、The boy_____stay at home.He went to a movie,A.didn't B.don't C.wasn't D.isn't2、A:What did you do at last?B:I_____my clothes alone.A.wash B.washed C.washes D.am washed 11.People might avoid many accidents ________ these methods been adopted before.A.that B.were C.have D.had 12.________arose the problem that the boy will never overcome the great difficulties.A.It B.This C.Here D.Those 1the young man wanted to be an inventor ( ) edison.a as b for c like d just 2peter will go to bed early after he ( ) his homework tonighta finish b finishes c finished d to finish并说下选这个答案的原因 1.Eighteen people will come to the meeting,but there are only twelve chairs.We have to get_________A:more six B:six more C:more than six D:othermore six 2.Nowadays,one large city is much like________A:the other B:others C:another D:the others 1.Where's your fathr?He has gone to ____ .He wants to have his hair _____A.the barer;cut B.the barer's;cut C.barer's;cutting2._______,how did he sell all his furniture?A.in the way;on B.on the way;in C.by the way;in D.all the way;on第二题还有 7.—Excuse me,but I want to borrow your digital camera for my holiday.—You _____have my camera unless you take care of it.A.might not B.shan’t C.needn’t D.shouldn’t 这个英语题应该选什么?Being overweight is____the health of the heart.A.a lack of B.a lack to C.a risk for D.a risk to 这道题选什么 英语 If he ___ to the teacher attentively,he ___ the answer to the problem now.A.had listened,would have known B.listened,would know C.listened,would have known D.had listened,would know ___fashion differs from country to country may reflect the culture differences from one aspect.A.what B.that C.this D.which 9、I’m going to ________ a flat near the company I’m working at.A.hireB.borrowC.rent10、The gifts he brought from Britain ________ last week.A.sent outB.were sent outC.have sent out 如果6+[0.5×0.8+﹙2.6-△﹚×9÷4=22,求△表示的数. 六年级数学应用题解答,急,帮帮忙啊,在线等答案.过程一定写清楚!1.在含盐40%的盐水中加入80千克水,盐水含盐30%,再加入多少千克盐,盐水含盐50%?2.甲乙两车同时从A.B两地相向而行,在距B地68千米 1.一杯咖啡的价钱是一杯牛奶的5倍,一杯咖啡喝牛奶的单价各是多少元【一共36元】?2.食堂买来4袋面粉和一袋大米共300千克,一袋大米的重量比1袋面粉重50千克.每袋大米和面粉各重多少千克?3.3 54*2+98*99+45*2分之100*89+100*99-89*11-89*89/2002200220002分之200320032003*2003=? 新华书店运来一批儿童故事书共600笨呢,卖出两天后,正好卖了这批书的三分之二,已知第一天卖出的本数与这批书的总本数的比是2比5,第二天卖出多少本?一个棱长为8厘米的正方形玻璃容器里 求教一道小学四年级数学应用题张大伯准备把他家饲养的96只鸡运到集市上去卖,把鸡分别装在大小两种笼子里,小笼子每只装4只鸡,大笼子每只装6只鸡,正好装满18个笼子,问这两种笼子分别有 在一个码头,有三艘货船等待卸货.由于人力有限,只能一艘一艘地卸货.卸完甲的货物要用10小时,卸完乙的货物用6小时,卸完丙船的货物要用7小时.要使三艘货船的等候时间的总和最少,应该按怎 一位白领将工资的一半存入银行,又将剩下的一半少50用于生活费,还花了350元钱买了一台微波炉,这时还剩下120元,这位白领每月工资多少?