
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 10:46:19
I hear him ___ (sing) this English song at ten o'clock yesterday morning.用doing形式还是do的形式? the bus is too_______(CROWD) The tenacher is_____with his students.look forward to because hurry late be busy with angry ticket rememberPlease _______to tell hem the news. 疯狂猜图 人物角色 六个字.灰白的背景,中间有帽子和绳索 寻求一篇关于圣诞节的英语文章,可以包括对圣诞节的介绍、风俗习惯等,谢谢,一定是用英语写成的. 应用英语就业前景怎样?我听说现在学英语的人太多学英语没用, concierge service是什么意思 以《某某老师的眼神》写一篇250字的小作文.七下语文第一课的课后题! 急需一篇作文《难忘的目光》600字左右 难忘的目光 作文600不要范文,求提纲,求事例(越新鲜越好!) Companies have until 120 days after the end of the fiscal year in which they cross the 500-shareholder line to begin making their disclosures. 曾国藩的湘军将领中那个王璞山的名字叫王?, 英语(商务方向)就业前景怎样?朋友今年录取一二本院校的商务英语系,小弟不晓得商务英语就业前景如何,求教!采纳后必有重赏,事关别人一生,大家不要随便乱踩, 英语(翻译方向)就业前景怎么样 请大家给推荐一款电子词典,要多国语言,真人发音~~~~~~价格1000以内的,谢谢 请推荐一款能整句翻译,并能真人发音的电子词典,主要用于出国旅游用的日常对话 请教桃花源记这些“之”和“”其的意思,具答之 处处志之 闻之 欲穷其林 得其请教桃花源记这些“之”和“”其的意思,具答之 处处志之 闻之 欲穷其林 得其船 桃花源记 欲穷其林 resulted from和lay 桃花源记中欲穷其林的穷是什么用法?还有 山穷水尽、欲穷千里目的穷与欲穷其林的穷是一个意思吗? His illness resulted from bad food.(改为同意句)His illness _____ ______ ______ _____ bad food. 删除用英语怎么说呢 you once saie:"on one else could come between"I will be conviced for ever的中文是什么? What are you today.急... 求七下生物练习册上已有的知识点,一共有六章.不要自己总结的就是每一章的练习题前面的板块里的知识点, what _____ your father ____(do) after lunch? he ___9read) a comic book. what ____he___(do)today?he _____(clean)the kichen for my grandma. look! he ____(clean)说一下为什么? concierge怎么读 蒙迪欧致胜怎么样? 走一步再走一步里的’迂回‘啥意思 英语翻译There are clear similarities between the effects of T1q -editing and T2 -editing for this partic- ular sample since the T1q differences between small metabolites and proteins/lipoproteins were similar to the T2 differenc 听说罗斯福是世界历史上坐着轮椅当政的总统吗 八旗是哪八旗 清八旗的意思