
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 00:02:21
函数f(x)=根号(x-2)+ lg(3-x)的定义域用区间形式应表示为 绝对值不大于2006的所有整数的积是 绝对值不大于2006的所有整数的积是 绝对值小于2006的所有整数和积 Are you going to going to Beijing by plane?It's fast, but expensive. so I am not sure. I _____ take a train.a. should b. may c. must d. will请问这个题选择哪个呀?为什么呀?我选择的是B可是答案说是C 啊?到底怎么做呀? Are you going to beijing?(作否定回答)No,I am not.或No,we aren't,可以缩写吗 mr li ()his student drawing in the park yesterday afternoon.括号内天三个字母,中间是A yesterday,afternoon,we___to the park 判断题对还是错,科学作业 下列叙述正确的是(  )A、稀释浓硫酸时应将水倒入浓硫酸中,并用玻璃棒不断搅拌 B、将100g溶质质量分数为98%的浓硫酸稀释为49%,需加水50g C、100mL水和100mL酒精混合后体积小于200mL,说明分 电功和电热的计算题某快速电热水壶的铭牌上标有“220V 1200W”的字样.小李同学讲1.8kg、25℃的水装入壶中,给电水壶通电正常工作5min.设电热水壶消耗的电能有95%被水吸收,水的比热容为4.2×10&s 电热的计算题某电热饮水器上有A、B两根电热丝,将两根电热丝串联接在电源上,20min可将饮水器中的水加热至沸腾;若将A单独接到同一电源上,同样使初温和质量相同的水加热至沸腾,需要8min; 曲线y=2x^3上一点A(1,2)则A处的切线斜率等于 求当x趋近于0时,[(1+x)/(1-x)]^x的极限是? 武动乾坤的结局(欢欢死了,但又转世到那个新世界,然后林动去找她)算悲剧还是喜剧 明明和欢欢分别从跑道线的A,B两点出发 Is this the factory _____ a lot of students visited yesterday? 4.Is this the factory _____ a lot of students visited yesterday?定语从句 很模糊4.Is this the factory _____ a lot of students visited yesterday?A.the one B.which C.who D.whom5.Is this factory _____ a lot of students visited yesterday?A.the one Sally,together wtih her students_____visiting the zoo this time yesterday.这里应该填单数还是复式呢? My father is going to Beijing tomorrow "tomorrow"划线,就划线部分提问 当x趋于无穷时,X+1/X的极限是多少? train,he,to,going,Beijing,is,by(.)连词成句 x趋于无穷时,(x/(x+1))^x求极限 He is going to Beijing with his father by train 怎么对his father提问? 5 6题啊 求4.5.6题 答案 作业 急呀 速度好评 谢谢啦 4.5.6.题 我要忙着写我的作业懒得帮我弟想了 快来答吧4.5.6.题 我要忙着写我的作业懒得帮我弟想了 2年级的 快来答吧 昨天下午英语是last afternoon还是yeterday afternoon 上星期六下午学生们参观了养老院.The students___________last Saturday afternoon.别怕那只狗,它从不咬人.____________________.It never bites people.His uncle _______(return)from Australia in a week.When you see you teachers,you sh Do you know who was the last person___the room yesterday afternoon?A:leave B:leaving C:to leave D:left还是搞不明白为什么不选D,为什么是过去进行时? lime^x-1 /2 x趋向于0,求极限,为什么最后能变成x/2x Jim was the last ___(leave) the classroom yesterday.谁若知道就告诉我, who was the last person ___ the office yesterday A leave B left C to leave D leaves 理由!