
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 11:03:02
直线方程5x+3y-6=0与3x-5y-5=0有什么关系吗?什么是线束? 若f(x)=sin(paix/4-pai/3),函数y=g(x)与y=f(x)的图像关于直线c=1对称,求g(x) 已知sin(pai/6+a)=3/5,pai/3 sin (pai/14)sin(3pai/14)sin(5pai/14)求值 已知cos(pai/6-a)=根号3/3,则sin(a-pai/6)的平方—cos(5pai/6+a)的值为 求sin(a-2pai)sin(a-pai)-sin(5pai/2+a)sin(3pai/2-a)的值已知tan a=2 sin(2x+pai)=?sin(2x+0.5pai)=? 解无理方程:2x+根号(x-1) =5 急. 化简(1)[1-根号2*sin(2a-pai/4)]/cosa (2) (2cos^4x-2cos^2x+1/2)/2tan(pai/4-x)sin^2(pai/4+x) 已知x、y均为实数,且(x-y)²与√5x-3y-16互为相反数,求2(x²+y²)的算术平方根. 当k=何值时,方程组{2x-y=k+1,x+2y=2k的解x=y 函数f(x)=COS(-x/2)+sin(pai-X/2),x为R(1)求f(x)最小正周期和最大值 请写出函数f(x)=sin(paix-pai/2)+1的奇偶性和周期 谁能告诉我这段英语有没有语法错误啊?我英语超烂的,所以希望大家帮个忙如下:Maybe the sky also has seasons.When I met you ,it's spring.When I fell in love with you,it's summer.When I left you ,it's autumn.And now I'm mi 这段英文有没有语法错误?Don't think your English is good,for me,you is just a beginner!So don't speak English when we chat. 请看看这段英文 有没有语法错误 HelloToday I find my transfer was exceed of the quota,but I have not configuration my server.I think this is network attacks.Now I should continue to use this IP or not Should I pay for the excess of the qu 函数y=sin(x-pai/4)的图像的一个对称中心是 如果关于xy的方程组2x+y=3k+1,x+2y=3-2k的解满足x+y=5,则k的值等于? 若方程组{3x+4y=2,ax+(b/2)y=5与方程组{(a/3)x-by=4,2x-y=5有相同的解,求a,b的值 求函数y=cos﹙2x-π/3﹚,x∈[π/6,π/2]的单调减区间及值域 求下列函数的单调区间 (2)y=cos(TT/4-2x)的单调减区间 (3)y=tan(2x-TT/3)的单调区间y=2sin(TT/3-x)的单调区间 求函数y=cos(-2x+π/3)的单调增区间 函数y=cos(3派/2+2x)的单调减区间是 已知关于x,y的方程组3x+y=8 bx+y=a与x+ay=b 2x-y=7有相同的解,解方程组ax+3by+1=0 ax-by=3分之5 请帮忙看一下这段英文有没有语法错误You will be a good dad.Thank you for telling the truth.I'll love you forever as a friend. 请帮我看一下这段英文有没有语法错误Xiamen is a very beautiful city.It is green all year.It is a coastal city with windy most of all the year.In spring,it is warm.The people usually go rowing and fishing.Summer is the best season in Xi The story mainly tells us that a shy boy called Danny didn't like his personality and always didn't have much confidence in himself to do things he wanted.So he asked his uncle who was a scientist for help.Uncle gave him a bottle of personality potio 请帮忙看一下我写的这段英语有没有语法错误.\x05Tell me about your cityWell as you can probably guess I come from Harbin and I lived here all my life.In fact,I never leave my hometown except travel.I suppose if I had to describe Harb 函数y=cos(2x+π/4)的单调减区间为