
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 16:58:22
报考acca,对外语有什么要求 她想要什么?的英语 想要的英语单词 do,can,to后面都用动词原形吗? 括号里的词的正确形式All the pupils in the primary school are(easy)teachersShe spent as much time on computer as(study)English in schoolMr.Heyhood is more than our teacher.He often(takes part还是joins;attends;joins)us(in;/;in)The Chinese g 用括号里的词的正确形式1)I get a gift from _____and _____.(he;she)2)You don,t want to use _____pencil.(he)You,ll buy your own pencil.3)I know that book is _____(I) because I had written _____(I) name in it.4)At the gate of school _____and _ fucking don't give in to the world. 用括号里的词正确形式填空 用括号里所给词的正确形式填空I always have a ______(feel)of excitement when I pass the examDon't take the ______(dictionary)out.You can use them in the libraryI can't find my English book.I think I_____(lose)itI______(not do)my homework late和later的区别和用法最好有例句 请问是不是有一种可测直流电流的钳形表?测交流我就知道有,通过导线磁场变化转换成电能可以测出交流电流,但测直流电流的原理是什么呢?很多昂贵的设备不可能切断导线测量,谁知道这种 请问直流电流能用钳形表来测吗 take a read怎么发音这里的read 读/ri:d/ 还是/red/? 初三电路中我真么知道电流或电压表测的是那个用电器 big brother和old brother 的区别, The ____boy is my brother.Asleeping Basleep Csleeps Dslept求答案和解释 如何构建政治高效课堂 如何构建高中政治高效课堂主题研究计划 请问Big Brother style在英语里指的是什么意思,在一篇英语文章里看到的Big Brother-style authoritarian regime My big brother always------(grow)a beard in winter. big brother开始说的英文是什么 辩论赛:构建和谐校园是规章制度重要还是道德重要. 杜绝作弊,道德比制度跟重要的辩论赛 辩论赛:解决诚信问题的根本手段靠制度还是靠道德,我方是靠制度 有木有高手给来点攻辩的犀利辩论赛:解决诚信问题的根本手段靠制度还是靠道德,我方是靠制度有木有高手给来点攻辩的 all of us are not “All are not here”means_____ 如何构建历史幸福课堂 如何构建优质历史课堂 It is a big now is It is a big 笑可以组什么词 笑能组什么词