
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 03:21:24
just go to the fucking hell,you jerk. and I rode it all the way to Brooklyn...just for the hell of Aurora:...Luckily none of the bullets hit the engine block.So,we made it to the border,but just barely,and I- ...I've been talking about myself all night long,I'm sorry.What about you?Tell A、B两点相距L=10cm,它们的连线与匀强电场场强方向夹角60° ,把电子从A点移到B点,需要克服电场力做功20e则匀强电场的场强等于A.800N/C B.400N/C C.400√3 D.800√3N/C 一个数的4分之3比它的4分之1多24,这个数是多少 列式算 |-24分之1|+1-(-4分之3)-|1-2分之1| 怎么算 翻译These two days,the two of my best friends gave me a call to say hello to me and expressed their next weekend i ____with my best friend 1.go swimming 2.going swimming 3.went swimming4.am going swimming My best friend gave me a call half an hour ago .My best friend gave me a call half an hour ago .同义句my best friend ___ ____ ____ half an hour ago. 请问是谁唱的? 150=99+51什么意思别人对我说的。就这个等式。应该有些其他的含义。 it took kitty forty minutes to get to the school from her new flat改为同义句!kitty _______ forty minutes _______ to the school from her new flat!哪有那么简单的翻译题给你做! 电子式单相电能表有3200imp/kw.h意义 单相电子式预付费电度表型号c004什么意思 我是一只猪 我是一只猪 一只猪一天能吃多少呢、、 一头牛的重量是一只羊的4倍,一头牛比一只羊重34千克,一头牛,一只羊各重多少千克?(用方程怎么解) 如果把这个木块切割成棱长是2厘米的小正方体,最多可以切割成多少个这样的小正方体 娜娜家这个月比上个月节约用水12分之1,娜娜家这个月水量是上个月( )答完有奖 本月比上月节约用水九分之一,本月用水是上月用水的( ) 100个豆子分成7堆,每堆都是奇数 1.____a hot day,I decided to go for a swim.A.What B.Being C.It being D.Such 选择 请推荐 一些 lene marlin 的歌要一些空灵 舒缓的像 My love 和 maybe i`ll go 这类的 一只不透明的口袋中放着若干个只红球的9只白球,这两种球除了颜色以外没有任何区别,当袋中的球搅匀后,蒙上眼睛从口袋中任意取出一个球.(1)如果取出红球的概率是4分之一,请问袋中共有多 lene marlin- i know的 歌词,最好有中文翻译哈, 英语翻译You think youve made it everythings going so fineBut then appears someone who wannaTear you downWanna rip you off those few nice things you've foundWhen and if you hit the ground.Then its falling kinda hardCause all you do is being yourse 请回答我,我国二十世纪五十年代的森林覆盖率是多少, 20世纪90年代长江流域森林覆盖率、湖泊面积比50年代减小,而水土流失面积在增大,造成这种现象的人为原因是是什么,简短回答 7、___,we went swimming.A.being a hot day B.the day being hot C.it was a hot da7、___,we went swimming.A.being a hotday B.the day being hot C.it was a hot dayD.to be a hot day选哪个 UV2250 紫外分光光度计用什么样的比色皿 一个黑色口袋中有1个红球,2个白球,1个黄球,这些球除了颜色外都相同,每次摸一个,小明认为袋中共有3种颜色不同的球,所以摸到红球、白球、黄球的可能性是相同的,你认为呢 PK中的P和K分别是什么字母的缩写啊?谢谢啦,哪位帮帮我呀! 负小数是有理数吗如-2.35