
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 07:38:20
interesting和interested两个词怎么分别.比如第4题 给一篇英语作文,求大神找找有没有语法、单词用法上的错误和改善的地方My Best HolidayIn the last year,I went to a place that I always hope I can go there.My parents、our friends and I went there by ship .Ittook us about 2 At first I am afraid.这首歌的歌名叫什么? 爱是个动词 是哪部电视的台词 l was s______ at first ,but soon l stopped worrying. 用一个词语来形容足迹.( )的足迹 Hilarious Laughed out loud from start to 是笑到最后 笑的最好吗 The story is a lie from start to finish From start to finish,it takes me approximately five and a half Mississippis.最近在书里看到了这句,根据前后文我觉得应该是讲时间,但这里的 a half Mississippis却不知道是指多久,也从没看过这样的表达方式. 虚伪的面具 英文怎么说? 英语 戴上面具.让我们也虚伪一次! 虚假的面具翻译成火星文是怎样的? Give me your version of what happened.对所发生的事我想听听你的说明.of what happened.这句话是什么理解的啊?对于不是for吗?改成for happen to thing行吗? She is a teacher and works at the college._______.A.So is Li Ming B.So does Li MingC.So is it with Li Ming D.So it is with Li Ming为什么不选B watch news还是 look news还是read news对 plan的现在分词 later on与at first是反义词组吗? 大家说法不一later的反义词是什么,有人说是earlier,有人说是before,到底是啥啊 Craziness put the giraffe in the bottle 怎么玩啊 Is that a photo?Yes,it is.Is it your watch?No,it isn't.It's LiMing's.改为复数形式 Is the LiMing live in China 最简回答肯定回答是不是 Yes the is Is that a photo?Yes,it is.Is it your watch?No,it isn't.It's LiMing's.这两句的复数形式是什么? Put the bottle 来自demi lovato《for the love of a daughter》的歌词Put the bottle down for the love of a daughter我怎么想都想不明白Put the bottle 是always wears还是always wear?为什么? where在定语从句中可以做宾语吗she was curious to know where we had been.这个句子的后面where had been中 where是宾语吗? 在定语从句中“where”不能用做宾语,除此之外还有什么词啊? walr straight是什么意思 Don't be n ______,It's impolite. I don't like PE class Isn't it boring?(依句意作答 ()()().I thank exercise can make me heathy. 下面这段话有两处语病,找出来并改正.瀑布从很高的万丈悬崖奔泻而下,像一道闪闪发光的珠帘,雷鸣般的轰隆震撼着群山.可是人们攀上崖顶,却发现上面不过是一条缓和的小河,它一路走来,汇 Howard is a_______ boy and he often makes things wrong(carelessly) The students are taught __in public.横线上用“not to shout”还是“to not shout”为什么?