
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 21:39:05
Jack and Tom are in Grade Eight?(对Grsde Eight提问) 一.根据汉语提示填写单词1.These two pictures are___(相似的).2.He is sure to become a____man.(成功)3.We used to dream about_____on the moon(居住)二.写句子的成分1.My father bought a new coat for me.________ _________-------- 无论在百度还是在现实生活中当别人出现困难或者疑惑的问题希望你帮助时你尽可能的去解答或者做一些点力所能及的事,虽然不能对所触及的问题可以起到全面的解决,但帮助了别人同时无 关于一下that 从句在句子中的成分问题,请高手指教,never in chinese history has the idea been accepted that women have as much power as men 中的that从句是句子的什么成分啊 公共英语最高等级是几级公共英语有六级吗,难度相当于大学英语几级?那我大学英语四级相当于公共英语几级啊,我毕业了,还能考大学英语六级吗? PETS级最高是多少 he's not a policemen he'sa park keeper这句话错 在哪儿? 1.I play tennis well.I want to join the school tennis t().2.My brother a()works hard.He can get good grades. What has 5(sometimes 4)hands but is normal? What is the normal excess rate for ordering monthly Zamak?中文怎么翻译? 我跟客户的回复,然后他复我What then is your normal pricing going forward 我告诉客户我们这款产品本来卖$23USD的,我们现在是半价促销.然后他就这样回我What then is your normal pricing going forward as we in passed You may obtain the world with love;you also may lose the world withhate. 祖国有多少个岛屿 《what to do in a storm》作文(100词左右) 七年级英语作文:1.How to stay heaithy 2.My favorite dish 3.What to do in storm 告诉我中文意思就可以了 ruck ruck you lol ruck积分是什么意思 ruck Are you____(更好)today?7A英语 初一数学 http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/426073190.html?quesup2&oldq=1http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/426073190.html?quesup2&oldq=1 基因会不会危害人类 让人类的基因对辐射产生免疫力需要多少年?那宇宙射线呢?多少年人类才能不怕宇宙射线? 求这张试卷的答案.http://www.docin.com/p-714272552.html http://www.docin.com/p-189027390.html的答案 中国频临的海洋及主要的半岛海峡和三大岛屿是什么? http://www.docin.com/p-605367338.html 第11题化学选择 http://www.docin.com/p-380377888.html第二大项的第二大题 这个为什么是宾语从句 he looked just as he had looked ten years before错了 表语从句 不该变脸色,形容临危不惧,从容自若.能解释为那个成语? 成语词语面不改色的解释