
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 17:49:49
Lucy has more foriegn friengs than Lily 什么? Lucy is more beautiful than Lily改为同义句五个词 且壮士不死即已,死即举大名耳,王侯将相宁有种乎?这句话包含哪些深刻的思想内涵 what a pity!Lucy ran __more slowly than Lily横线处应该填much还是a little ,why?另一个问题:the purpose of the research had a more important meaning for them than____A ours B with us C for ours it had D it did for us 找出藏着的单词(k.o.d.r.e.s.s.w.n.d) 每题中都藏着单词,找出来 k o d r e s s w n d t开头的食品用英文8页1大题第4个小空 A:Tomorrow?Tomorrow is not a good day for planting trees!B:(2)__? 六年级二学期或者七年级英语辅导书推荐啊就如题了!有个成绩一般的这学期屡次前五比我总高两分!我急啊!推荐几本辅导书!要好书好出版社!急死了!我要提高提高!好的有重赏!还有吧?怎样学 咱是上海滴.有啥好的辅导书吗.语数英都要.语文关于文言文的有啥呢.数学是我最差的一门.很需要辅导书.英语的阅读部分扣的分最多. I did nothing but watch TV这句话的语法点为?主要想问 后面的but 什么时候接 do ,什么时候接todo请举例一句用到to的 七年级上学期英语同步解析答案【新目标】 请问这个唐朝将军是谁汉人疆土最大的国家就是唐朝,击溃突厥,吞并高丽,只是在一个不厚道的将军的带领下被阿拉伯帝国和西域众国合力击溃,再也无力进取文中的将军是谁 唐朝著名将领都有哪些?只需要名字和大致事件 唐朝将军有哪些 找错i heard but i listened nothing 在武陵春中词人是如何表现愁苦之情的 He listened but could hear nothing.He listened but could hear nothing. I listened but()(hear) nothing.用动词的正确形式填空 as mentioned above和as is mentioned above有什么区别 Do you know to whom the woman were takling对吗?Do you know to whom the woman were takling?对吗,老师这么讲的,但我觉得应该是Do you know whom the woman were takling to? 《武陵春》上阙中说词人忧愁的原因是什么,词人又是如何表现愁苦之情 唐朝哪个将军最厉害?唐朝可谓是中国古代最鼎盛的朝代,好的政治家,军事家,文臣都闪耀在唐,最好的皇帝李世民,最鼎盛的皇帝李隆基,第一位女皇武则天,等都诞生于此,哪一位将军是最厉害的 he did nothing but do中but的词性? I can do nothing but She could do nothing but ____(cry) i have got nothing to do but depend on myself.but是什么词性,是只有的意思吗 Nobody can stop me She is always w______ to s___ things with others.填空. Kelly is g____.She always shares her things with others 以a j k n q u v w x y z打头的食物名称英文! 一只可爱的小白兔怎么说!英语