
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 10:06:36
i would really appreciate it的意思 I would appreciate it if you can forgive Mary--- would appreciate it if you can forgive Mary and make friends with her again .---_______.If only she would apologize to me for what she has done to me.A.By no means B .By all means为什么选B,意思 修改标点符号的问题这是一个惊心动魄的故事——母猿爱子竟到了这种程度:肝肠寸断!为什么不能用冒号“:”今年春季,这个省沿海地区河口节流改造工作,任务重、工作难、规模大。 天净沙·秋思是不是思乡诗 as soon as you feel too old to do a thing,do it.怎么翻译 怎么确定旋转后图形的旋转中心 Can you help him with ------ the piano?A.play B.to play C.plays D.playing What about playing basketball with me after school?( )( )play basketball with me after school? Thanks for a------ me to play basketball with you怎么写横线处填答案 国家;首都;语言请用英语说出(要求:翻译)在地球当中所有的国家、首都以及他们当地语言,谁说的多我给他100分!为了提高英语成绩,求求GGJJDDMM啦! 全世界交通事故死亡人数是多少?主要国家交通死亡人数又是多少? 水晶球的寓意是什么?把水晶球当礼物送代表什么? 我要学英语口语,马上大2了,要背下一本字典,字典里面有单词的用法,不知哪本字典好!最好单词量 it was about to leave my house _ the phone rang A while B when C as D while 为什么不选C elain怎么读? it is just about time to pick them翻译 just about time the歌词~好像是lili的如题不好意思,是It's about time as luck would have it 怎么用 as luck would have it的语法分析 as luck has it 和 as luck would have it有什么区别? As luck would have it, As life would have it!中文是什么? 帮我把这几个中文翻译成英文单词!数以百万计的、跳高、网址、顺便、故宫博物院、油箱、蓄电池、压力水箱 I( )leave when the telephone rang.Awas going to Bwas to Cwas about to Dwill Tom is on time for everything.How _____it be that he was late for such an important meeting?A.canB.shouldC.mayD.must正确答案是:分析题目分析解释一下四个选项解释一下全句的意思谢谢~ 托福口语在线测试,听说易格英语不错,朋友说那边美国外教一对一针对性辅导,尤其是口语和写作方面提高很大,有上过课的吗! 看看,有多少字?不算标点青春,一个多么亮丽的字眼.仿佛,在大人的世界里,是无比珍贵的.不过,现在我却觉得成长是多么的可怕,青春又是多么的令人生畏:就拿那一天来说,我好不容易可以放松 如何将自己的中文名字直接音译成英文名我的名是 京霞 想要取个英文名字,最好是自己的中文名翻译为英文的, 将中文姓名“袁泽俊”音译英文名字 《一起来看流星雨》续集中郑爽还和张翰在一起吧? 母亲颁最佳关爱奖的颁奖词50字左右不用太多 郑爽和张翰还会演一起来看流星雨第二部吗?再说下第二部的内容.