
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 19:12:06
I chat with my friends when i am free用go to the cinema改为选择疑问句 Helen is my old friend.We____thirty years ago when we werefive 2 old.It was my first day. When Jimmy was a boy,he always liked watches and clocks 1 when he was eighteen years old ,He went 2the army ,and after a year,he 3 to teach himself to mend(修理) watches.A lot of his friends 4 him broken watches,and he mended them for them.Then his When they were four years old,one of my friends came over to my house.帮我填下空..上文就不打了.是讲作者的两个双胞胎女儿的When my friend was watching the photo we (t_)during our marriage dinner,the kids showed a great (i_)i 名言警句 励志的语句加解说 有关励志向上的名言 励志名言加赏析 The old granny is ___(terrible) ill and we should take her to hospital at once. The man is seriously ill ,more than one doctor A.has been sent for b.has been looked for请说明原因 这几题英语词组填空怎么写 Chat with his friends on the internet is his hobby .(找出错误) 用所给短语填空fall down,over and over again,be able to,the meaning of,wake up1.If we change places you will______see better from here.2.Can you guess______the word from the context?3.Babies often_______when they learn to walk.4.I didn't_______ There is a pretty lady_____(chat)with her friends happily on the grass. 英语神仙飞来~这个短语填空怎么写 短语填空right away,look for,dig out ,be pleased to,be pleased with,agree to1.we have__ __the truth2.She__ __ __help disabled people3.My boss__ __ __let me go home early4.Your mother will__ __ very__ __your new flat5.I want it typed __ __ ,please6 帮个忙,谁有好的名人名言 励志 要带解释的. He was ____ (serious) ill last week He was________ill last week.(terrible/terribly) I heard that he was -------(terrible) ill last week.[用所给词的适当形式填空] 吉林大学 西班牙语系本人应届考生呢,想了解一下吉林大学的西班牙语系的具体情况,如师资,就业安排等. 请问吉林大学的新闻系\英语系\西班牙语系\经济系\国际经济与贸易系在全国的排名如何? 新华书店一天内销售两种书籍,甲种书籍共卖得1560元,为了发展农业科技,乙种书籍成本分别计算,甲种书籍盈利25%,乙种书籍亏本10%,试问该书店这一天盈利(或亏本)多少元? 学会做人 做事 生存 合作 励志警句 出处及寓意学会做人方面学会做事方面学会生存方面学会合作方面的励志警句有出处、有寓意哦! 名言警句,要有名言的意思.意思写在名言的后面。 儿歌特点在百科有提示. 童谣分哪几类?它们各自的特点是什么?有什么意义? 童谣有什么特点? me的音标是什么 以热爱祖国为话题的700——800字演讲稿 音标问题,help me!音标/i:/ 常见字母组合是: e, ee, ea, ie, ei 但为什么bread的单词没有含有/i:/音的音标,里面有常见的字母组合ea了啊.还有let,like等等的单词都有常见的字母组合,但为什么单词没有 loves me not英文的音标音标 音标! 求“勤勉之星”的演讲稿,急用!800字左右,