
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/27 20:37:22
玩具厂原来做一只玩具汽车需要5.6元材料.由于采用了新技术,每只玩具汽车节省了1.4元的材料.原来做150只玩具汽车的材料现在可以做多少只? The present is( )you.(在括号中填介词) helpflu at home are you )(连词成句)第二句是helpflu at home are you ) -----John often ------ to his parents?A.Does,write B.Is,write C.Does,writes请尽快回答, 一个玩具厂做一只小熊玩具原来需要7.6元的材料,后来.第二小题解答,用方程解,最好有图 在美股交易系统中,above ask at ask between at bid below bi在美股交易系统中,above askat askbetweenat bidbelow bid各是什么意思? We will play football.J() us soon,please. make into 和turn into 区别 make into... make...into的用法 语法和例句 Does know the answer to the question?这个句子里该用somebody还是anybody? HE DOES' NOT KNOW THE ANSWER OF THE QUESTION.错在那里? “If we thought,we can make it! I couid only embrace you I couId onIy embrace you 做什么检查能证明胎儿是健康的呢我现在怀孕25周,孕前吃过一次避孕药,导致孕前一个月月经不调,请问应该做些什么检查能证明胎儿是健康的呢?怀孕前有5年烟龄,知道怀孕后再没抽过. where are you now 翻译下 “书籍是全世界的营养品……就好像鸟儿没有翅膀.”请你以“阅读”为对象,就莎士比亚这一段话进行仿写.不要标准答案,要自己想的哦 仿写莎士比亚的一句话 阅读是 吉加上部首,组成新字再组词. 吉字加上不同的偏旁组成新字,至少三个. 相当的健康用英语怎么写 German Honor Society是什么? "在90年代"用英语怎么说? 90英语怎么说 33- Corrinne May中文歌词 just a quick note 和just a short note的区别 I just wanted to tell you that a family friend's cousin is这句话啥意思啊,急求阿,很急阿,么打完I just wanted to tell you that a family friend's cousin is lending me a cellphone while I'm in China and he may be dropping it off on Satur I just wanted to tell you..为什么可以用wanted啊?不是want吗那是讲座,她告诉同学们什么。为什么是过去时呢 英语翻译The bid price of the item quoted FCA and breakdown price of the item,price of the special tools for assembly and disassembly of maintenance,price of the mandatory spare parts and special tools (about 3% of the total price of the equipment 英语翻译商业语境,与直销有关重点是bulleted item怎么翻译?原句breakdown of bulleted items should total at least 85% Breakdown of above 如题上文是三家公司的名字,是让从这三家公司里选择的意思吗? add in/add on/add up /add to 有什么区别Thy way you go about purchasingan article or a service can actually save you money or can add( )the cost.( )里填什么还有add up to的意思