
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 17:15:25
第七题, 求第七题解题思路, 若A²=0,则A=0 ; 若A²=A,则A=0,或A=E ; 若AB=AC,则B=C,请问这三道题哪个是对的哪个是错的?若A²=0,则A=0 ; 若A²=A,则A=0,或A=E ; 若AB=AC,则B=C,请问这三道题哪个是对的哪个是错的? 抗战时期号称“钢军”的日本板垣第五师团是被中国哪一支部队消灭的 抗日战争中,国军的一个精锐师战斗力能不能与鬼子一个精锐师团相抗衡 1-9之间取出三个数字,组成三组三位数,数字不可以有重的,相加等于1998? 已知三角形面积为15根号7/4,周长为15,则它的内切圆半径为现在要. 英语翻译我要翻译的是:我更喜欢真实的你。 直角三角形的面积为12,周长为12根号2.求直角三角形的内切圆半径? i am still loving you 歌词喜爱夜蒲里面的一首歌. 八路军和国军哪个强……根据宣传,8路是强的要命……马勒隔壁,当面一楼就一脑残 heaven621……吗的都不知道说你什么好了……JY历史就当宝……真他吗精辟……你学的是J 你当作你的宝了吧 关于非谓语动词的一道题.They arrived at their university very late,______ the gate closely shut.A.found B.to find C.find D.finding 非谓语动词一题Having mastered the technologies of manned spacecraft,China became the third country___manned spaceflight independently.A.developing B.to develop 非谓语动词的一道题More and more people have moved into cities,___ them overcrowded. A. to make B. making C. made D. to have made 已知f(x)是定义在【-2,5】上的单调减函数,若f(a+1)>f(1-4a),求实数a的取值范围急 Love one another and you will be happy.It's as simple and as difficult as that. I am always thinking you ,you who always exist in my mind,love you翻译为中文, You are a just belong to my man, I will love you to death 什么意思. 非谓语动词的AIDS is said________ the number-one killer of both man and woman over the past few years in that region.A.being B.to be C.to have been D.having been 给了实验器材,问不能完成的实验是实验器材:试管,烧杯,煤气和煤气炉,托盘天平,筷子,铁钉,食盐,食醋,石灰水,牵牛花汁,水,饮料吸管,胶头滴管,小勺选项:1,探究人体吸入的空气和呼出的气体 用下列实验装置完成对应的实验(部分仪器巳省略),能达到实验目的的是解释一下为什么别的不行 Miss the chance,had the opportunity,lost the chance,a chance to 几道非谓语动词的题1._____ the front door _____,he had to enter the room through the back door.A.Seen; painted B.seeing; painted C.Being seen; being painted D.Seeing; being painted选择D,为什么2.And there,almost _____ in the big chair,sat 函数y=acosx+b(a,b为常数)的最小值为-7,最大值为1,则y=3+absinx的最大值为 It must belong to 是哪个单词的用法? I am waitingfor you .I will always love you .To: 几道非谓语动词题最近学谓语动词不咋地,刚上网找题做,或解释让我难以接受,希望你们帮我做下下面几题,并且说说为什么选,1.Does the you thought of _____ the water clean make any sense?A.making B.to make C.ho 英语翻译谁能帮我翻译下l miss the chance to win him back . 非谓语动词的几道题1.The car ____ in Japan in 1960s looks old nowA.produced B.producing C.to produce D.which produced2.what are on show in the museum?Some pictures____ by the Hu JintuA.drawing B.drawn C.drew D.were drawn3.Hello,what are you r my love belong to 英语翻译如不行,可翻译为什么? 关于非谓语动词的几道题1、______in a recent science competition,the three students were awarded scholarships totaling $21000.A To be judged the best B Having judged the bestC Judged the best D Judgeing the best