
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 21:05:16
我英语已过六级,分数不是很高,我该考BEC中级还是高级? 如何锻炼口语 怎样锻炼口语 怎样锻炼你的口语 6.The window is made of glass.(根据划线部分提问)glass.划线 The window is make of glas,Nowadays most the()are not made of()(glass) We all know --------glass is made of ---------glass.A a,/ B.the ,a C./,a D a,the 如图,圆x^2+y^2=8内有一点P(-1,2),AB为过点P且倾斜角为α的弦设过P点的弦的中点为M,求点M的坐标所满足的关系式 如图,圆x2+y2=8内有一点Po且倾斜角为α的弦如图,圆x2+y2=8内有一点Po(1,2),AB为过点Po且倾斜角为α的弦(2)当弦AB被点Po平分时,写出直线AB的方程 牛郎织女的故事应用哪个词语形容 改主动变被动:The little boy broken the window glass. she insisted not only had he been to the school but also had broken the glass of the window.这里but also后可以加he吗?这是省略了还是什么?为什么可以这样? the window of this room ___ glassA made inB made intoC made ofD made from dress wear put on in 这些有什么区别? Love is a cup of wather.You can put something in it.It will have a lot of colours in it you will have something worth thinking about to occpy your mind这句话中的语法现象尤其是后面的TO DO 在句子做的成分, I think you have to do something for your mistake or you will be die.谁能帮忙翻译下求解,多谢 “住宅是居住的机器”有什么含义? 机器是什么意思 机械是什么意思? 北京城杂忆阅读答案 我小时候,一年四季不论刮风下雨,胡同 里从早到晚叫卖声没个停.大清早过卖早点的:大米粥呀,油炸果( 鬼)的.然后是卖青菜和卖花儿的,讲究 把挑子上的货品一样不漏 北京城杂忆阅读答案 北京城六区是什么 机械的意思 、1902年,北京城一茶馆里四位中国人在聊天,张文说:“我参加过公车上书.”李浪说:“我们参加过义和团运动.”王平说:“我家住在东郊民巷.”赵强说:“我在京师大学堂读书.”他们中谁 The window is broken.Try to ____who broken itA.find out B.findC.look..for为什么? who broke the window 保持句意不变 ___ ___ the window was broken? Try to find ____who broke the window!填介词填介词. the window was broken.the teacher wanted to()who broke it.1、look for 2、find out 3、find We'll try to_who has broken the window.选哪个?A.find B.look at C.look for D.find out I will be where you are I give to you all that i have just to feel your warm embrace to have your friend eat anything that you like eating什么意思?千万别用在线翻译器,忒不准了.外语杠杠者答!