
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 17:35:41
如何做用所给词的适当形式填空(四) 马克思主义哲学,认识论选择题 39.40.41题 怎样区分双酚a奶瓶?奶瓶下面什么都没写是安全的吗? 怎么样去了解自己 班会课件.我要一个以关心他人为主题的课件.明天我要主持班会.sos 、help、 圣诞节班会课件就是PPT什么的 百灵鸟怎么分公母图 百灵鸟如何分公母 怎么辨别百灵鸟公母 什么是主观辩证唯物主义和客观辩证唯物主义? 求“直面挫折,珍爱生命”主题班会的内容.比如说珍爱生命之类的故事,怎么样直面挫折的 Someone is reading in the room.(改为一般疑问句) ____ ___Someone is reading in the room.(改为一般疑问句)____ ____ reading in the room. 五四广场英文导游词希望您能帮我写一篇英文导游词:生词量小,表达合理流畅的.不胜感激! 著名作家的笔名 用“落花生”作为笔名的著名作家(),以此勉强自己() 大学生创业对自己和社会有什么积极意义 古代有关勤奋故事3则,要具体 请问,判断平仄是根据古代汉语的平上去入还是根据现代汉语的四声?我不清楚在判断平仄的时候,是不是要判断那个字在古代的声调,来确定它是平还是仄?还是根据它目前在普通话里的声调来 春风吹绿了田野.(改成比喻句)求解答谢谢 改为反问句(三种改法) 春风吹绿了田野 春风吹绿了田野.改为3句反问句. Should teachers be paid on how much their students learn?给我几个观点 () 上古汉语读音怎么和中古汉语相差那么多 please translate it.Bye bye Bebe:United flop joins Beskitas on loanManchester United's £7.4m flop Bebe has been shipped to Beskitas on loan.United say the move to Turkey will aid the 20-year-old forward's development but some believe he will nev please translate it!1.Tom was grilled by customs officers for several hours.2.As an old English saying goes,"If you want to live and thrive,let a spider run alive!" exper please translate it在 please translate it properlyThat in the event of circumvention of this agreement by either party,directly or indirectly,the circumvented party shall be entitled to a legal monetary penalty equal to the maximum service it should realize from such a tr whether student should bring mobile phone come to school 这句话有语法错误吗? should we bring mobile phones to school.(英語作文 translate it please!The government is now trying to take a whole-of –government perspective and is changing the PSU organizational structure to match its new role in a modern market economy.翻译一下前半句“The government is now trying to ta 知道"粉红凤凰飞"用上古汉语和中古汉语怎么读吗?如题.据我的一点了解,古代中原汉语发音中,没有轻唇音,如:没有f-这个音只有hp-这种音,如此的话,诸如:"粉红凤凰飞"这五个字,用上古汉语 ‘’煜‘’字用中古汉语怎么读