
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 14:07:17
拔苗助长中试想假如宋人看到禾苗干枯了他会怎么想? 仔细阅读《拔苗助长》一文,试想假如宋人看到禾苗干枯,他会怎么想?现根据人物性格 翻译 Eco-travel is a form of travel that combines normal tourism with learning. 求解方程的Normal form我们有道题目,原题,是这样的The normal form of 2x+3y+6z-49=0 is normal form 具体怎么算呢?1L,NONONO,我查了下这是法线式,做法师把49放到X,Y,Z中去形成2(x+a)+3(y+b)+6(z+c)=0这样 as with normal travel ,one should always pay attention to the environment怎么翻译as for ,as to ,as with 表至于怎么区别 colloidal platinum是什么意思 2H2O(l)==2H2(g)+O2(g)反应的ΔH298是多少 colloidal是什么意思 the food was great 对 great 提问 this new and improved ,quick' clear complex treats oily or problem skin more quickly and efftively谁能帮我翻译一下, Our family are watching TV .改为否定句 our family ____ ____ ____ watching tv 我国近代史上发生在武汉的由资产阶级发动的一列革命运动 this is but one example of the dozens of eases i can document的翻译 After supper,l continued working 同义句 Everybody sits and waits in the shade of the trees while the family begins to wake up上句中的while该如何理解,while 后的谓语动词应该是持续性动词,为什么该句中却是begins He continued _________ English after a recess.A.to read B.to reading C.reading D.A and C请说明原因 请问这句英语中的after I was finished working, 是怎样的一种结构和用法?She cared for me every evening after I was finished working.这是Gulliver's Travels 里的一句话,书中的文字和朗读都是这样,请问after I was finish 从飞机场去25 Lorong 16 Geylang Singapore ,Singapore,398867从飞机去25 Lorong 16 Geylang Singapore ,Singapore,398867有巴士坐吗?还是mrt?然后又从25 Lorong 16 Geylang Singapore ,Singapore,398867去singapore sentosa也有巴士还是mrt 英语翻译请帮我翻译成中文, 可不可以说What are you happy without? 快, for与continue结合的用法!看看这段代码:for(表达式1;表达式2;表达式3){if(表达式)continue;else(表达式);}continue执行后,下一步是到for()中三个表达式哪了? 关于continue的用法 What can we learn from Thomas?翻译下,3Q 某种饮料的长方体纸质包装盒,规格为5(宽)*6(长)*12(高)(单位;cm),在上盖中开有一小孔便于插吸管,吸管长15cm,小孔到边AB(长)的距离为1cm,到上盖中于AB相邻的两边距离相等,求插入 匆忙去体育馆看比赛是hurry to the gym watch the match还是to watch the match? 白粉一般是怎么吸的 一般吸了白粉在多少天可以检测得出来?我怀疑我家里人吸白粉了,一般吸白粉的人在多少天内可以检测得出来? 海洛因怎么吸 …………go out shoppinggo out shopping 噢 去购物,还有 :购物中英文该如何 拼 (XwXwY)为什么是白眼雌果蝇 关于西湖的论文以及文化苦旅读后感杭州西湖博物馆 1、你认为应该重建雷峰塔吗?请说出你的理由.雷峰塔是由吴越国王钱俶为祈求国泰民安而于北宋太平兴国二年(977年)在西湖南岸夕照山