
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 15:07:04
要人教版的. 偶数与奇数的关系求:奇数+奇数=偶数+偶数=奇数+偶数=奇数×奇数=奇数×偶数=偶数×偶数= 注意要列算式 有2道题目麻烦看看______in the united stated was set up to train men in theology.A many school B many schoolsC many a school D a many school为什么选c~The u.s.secretary of state,together with his assistants,____on route to the Middle East f 送分麻烦注明性别 1.-3 按照下面要求改写句子.例:The clipper ships were built in the nineteenth century.They are nineteen century clipper ships.1)The castle was built in the thirteenth century.It was a thirteenth century castle.2)The students are in their fo 这题怎么写? 求苏教版初二上册的政治历史期末复习提纲注意是苏教版的,初二上册的, 期末语文政治历史要复习那些,初二, 下半学期.复习重点千万千万千万. 某七年级学生在做作业时,不慎将墨水瓶打翻,使一道作业题只看到如下字样七年级某学生在做作业时不慎将墨水瓶打翻,使一道作业题只看到如下字样:“甲、乙两地相距40千米,摩托车从甲地 七年级某学生在做作业时不慎将墨水瓶打翻,使一道作业题只看到如下字样"甲乙两地有摩托车和运货车来往,摩托车走完全程要2小时,运货车走完全程要3小时,-------------------------------"涂黑的部 1.He is in today.(同义句转换)2.The students of Class 5 are (in the classroom). 中药很受西方人的欢迎.Chinese medicine is ___ ___ people in western countries. do people in western countries like chinese medicine的翻译 连词成句countries,people,in,like,western,many,chinese medicine Chinese medicine is very popular_people_many countries.Chinese medicine is very popular__people__many countries.A in,with B with,withC with,in D for,in 已知椭圆C:x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2=1(a>b>0)的离心率为根号2/2,不等式|x|/a+|y|/b= (´Д`)速度点呗——最好能给我解释一下运用的公式啥的谢谢了!已知a²-6a+3=0 求a+3/a的值已知a²-6a+3=0 求a²/a^4-2a²+9的值第一个回答的加分! 到直线x-y+1=0的距离为根号2/2,且位于不等式组{x+y-10},表示的平面区域内的点是 A:(1,1) B:(-1,1) C:(-1,-1) D:(1,-1) 若平面区域的点(x,y)满足不等式-根号下(x的平方/25)+根号下(y的平方/9)≤1,求该平面区域的面积 参数方程第二讲习题2.3课后题答案 我自己做了,不知道对不对啊啊 英语翻译 john hasn't been seen for four days and there is growing (concern)for her safety为什么concern? There is growing concern about the effects of pollution on health.求翻译,要通顺滴O_o there is a growing concern over the matter among the general public . 什么意思 算式怎么写?第二题. There's a growing concern over the matter among the general public.这句话怎么翻译啊? 第19题,1、2小题, 张聪同学不慎将墨水瓶打翻,要快啊,到时候在追分这面写不了了,补充在这使一道作业题只看到如下字样‘甲、已两地相距400km,摩托车的速度为45km/h,汽车的速度为35km/h ?请将此题补充完整,并 第二题选哪个