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英语选择题,求答案及解析!My ________friend always beats me________running.A. best; at B.the best; from C.best; in D.the best; with 41-60 新年贺卡祝福语书写格式要书写格式,祝福语竖着写的, 1.As I walked along the main street,I stopped in front of a store ______ before.A where I had never noticed B which I had never noticed 2.Come,you had better _____ the bus; otherwise you would be late for the appointment.A.miss B.not miss C.no miss D 求人教版高中英语单词MP3带字幕的 【急】一道英语选择题,求详解= =Which of the follow is in a alphabetical order?A.from front full future B.family science book mightC.jogging voice listen past D.science apread anack Sunday 1.I have told you the truth.______ I keep repeating it?A Must B Can C May D Will 2.Parents _______ much importance to education.They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift.A attach B pay C link D apply 选哪个+翻译 3.Smell ---Joyce,please don't open the window.---Pardon?---I _____ open the window.A.tell you don't B.tell you not to C.told you didn't D.told you not toHe asked me ____ for the bike.A.i paid how much B.how much i paidC.did i pay h 1.John shut everybody out of the kithcen ____ he could prepare his grand surprise for the party.A.which B.when C.so that D.as if我觉得这道题目除了A可以排除意外,BCD都可以选,而且翻译都没问题.2.The European settlers did not kn 贺卡祝词怎么写啊?求助公司给个地区老总发礼品,同时附带贺卡,请问贺卡内容怎么写比较好啊? 贺卡的祝福语怎么写不是快到圣诞节了嘛、我买了一堆贺卡...然后发现自己都不知道在贺卡上些什么好...特别是跟不熟悉的人...就是想让大家帮忙想想给不熟悉的人写贺卡怎么写?最好是稍微 如何写贺卡祝福语?快到新年了,要为朋友、恩师、客户送贺卡,可是不知道写什么祝福语才能使他们欢喜. 给老师贺年卡贺词怎么写 英语贺卡上的贺词怎么写用英语写圣诞贺卡应该怎么写好呢,不能就一句话,稍微长一点的 一个人想用动滑轮来提升一个重物,已知物体重180N,动滑轮重20N,绳重和摩擦不计.在拉力F作用下,物体正以0.1m/s的速度匀速上升.回答以下问题:(1)所施加的拉力F是多少N?(2)拉力F做功的效 有几个英语选择题,详细分析一下1、I'll never forget __ you for the first time.A、to meet B、meeting C、to have met D、having to be meeting 2.As a public relation officer,he is said __ some very influential people.A.t 4道英语选择题,最好也解析,1、if you want to talk with others in english you must practice your ———— firstA pollution B population C punctuation D pronunciation2、dont‘t make so much noise The children—— an english lessonA ha 英语翻译法国位于欧洲大陆西部,三面临海.首都巴黎是法国政治、经济、文化和交通中心,卢浮宫博物馆和巴黎圣母院誉满全球,香榭丽舍被誉为世界上最美丽的大街.巴黎的标志建筑——埃菲 音频管理器英文的怎么变成中文? 我想要高中英语人教版必修1~5和选修的英语单词,最好是TXT或DOC格式的,可以放在手机里看!谢啦~~~~~~~是电子文档的,不是录音~~~~~~ 中文翻英文:我已经处理好所有的事情 同时设置汉字和英文的字体一篇文章有英文和汉字组成.要把汉字设置为一种字体,英文设置成一种字体,(英文交叉在汉字中)怎么做啊.不是要一个一个的设置,那样我也会. 汽车发动机额定牵引功率60kw.m汽=5000kg.水平路面上行驶,阻力为车重0.1倍.(1)汽车保持额定功率,求从静止起动后V最大.V为5时a值.(2)若汽车从静止开始,以a=0.5的加速度做匀加速直线运动求持续时 八下新目标英语复习题纲1~5单元最好讲解的全面一点! 已知方程x|m|-1+(m-2)yn平方-8=3是二元一次方程,则m=,n=现急!明要交! 若(m-2)x/m-1/+(n+3)yn-8=6是二元一次方程,求m、n;若x=-2,求y x/m/-1+(m-2)yn^2-8=3是二原一次方程 m=,n=.答案是不是m≠2 ,n≠0x/m/-1+(m-2)yn^2-8=3是二原一次方程 m=,n=.答案是不是m≠2 ,n≠0.如果不是正确答案是多少? 已知方程(m-2)X|m|-1 +(n-3)yn^2-8=1是二元一次方程,则m=____n=____ 英语试题,这题选什么?Important ________ his discovery might be,it was regarded as a matter of no account in his time.A.whenB.untilC.asD.although整句的意思呢? 谁有初中英语语法大全, 谁知道微博上说的DR好男人是什么意思啊?DR好男人的定义是什么? 这个英语试题怎么选?We can have空blue sky if we create空less polluted world.A.a; a B.a; the C.the; a D.the; the