
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 18:39:14
三分钟的英语演讲大概多少个词.语速中等. 有没有mind sb doing就像Do you mind me going to the park有的人说没有,有的人说有到底有没有!写成这样英语老师会扣分吗.(关键) The reason that I plan to go is why she will be disappointed if I don't错在哪了! 江湖救急!已知a、b、c是不全相等的实数,求证:(a2+1)(b2+1)(c2+1)>8abc2是平方 一往无前什么意思? 一往无前的意思 一往无前成语接龙一往无前______,______,______,______,______,______,______,______,______,______,______,左右逢源,______,______,______,______,______,______,______,______,______,神清气爽 成语接龙 一往无前第12个是左右逢源 电影《一往无前》说的是真实的故事? 英语演讲3~多少词为宜? He realised she was crying what he had said.A.because B.because of C.as D since 为什么选B?A呢He realised she was crying ______what he had said.A.because B.because of C.as D since 为什么选B?A呢? I have been doing sth.和I have done sth.有何区别?有个句子是这样的:Mr.Smith has lived in London since 1979.说是没有久居的意思,但是还有个句子I've lived here all my life.那么这个句子就是一个持久的典型.那么 人人网校内三行情书活动 背景音乐是英文歌曲 名字什么? 英语中的主谓宾在句子结构中是怎样的顺序 could not catch的同意词组 On the line every time you see a gray head are very disappointed why shouldn't we chat on the line for long time?用英文回答.不是翻译。 Of all the subjects I am ( ) at English.A.good B.the best C.the better D.best为什么 linda does ()in most of her subjects than any other girl in her class A good B well C better D best well do my () it is difficult,he tries his best to do it well.填空 陈毅的塑像刚落成,来()的人就很多.填一个表示”看”意思的词语 请帮我把"that,he,if,believes,he,can,tries,do,his,anything,best,well,he.组成一句话?快点吧,我急用! do well in有do best(还是the best)in 这种变形吗? 陈毅的塑像刚落成,来( )的人就很多.(填表示看的词语) PLAY THE FIRE 这个词组行么? 是"catch fire"还是"catch in fire"?RT 求take that 的 Nobody else nobody everybody else又四什么意思袄nobody else 能翻译成非你不可吗? nobody else 还是 else nobody 麻烦哪位可以帮我翻译下这首歌..感激不尽..Making my way through photographs Of the night when you first stood by my side Old friends with smiles some are here some are gone Good memories of our senior high Looking back we're the only Really bad![翻译】