
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:55:04
It's very kind of you to say so It's very kind of you to say so.什么意思 i think you must be a teacher是什么意思must be为什么不是must are?must I THINK YOU MUST BE CARZY I paid only 3000dollars for the used car but it is _________much more怎么填 i think you must be most beautiful什么意思 Well-educated,well-paid?英语高手帮忙翻译一篇文章:据《中国青年报》2005年12月1日报道,联合国教科文组织提供的《2005全民教育全球监测报告》中明确提出这样一个观点:学历越高,收入越高.就我 “My new car goes like a bird. It euns fairly well.",很急,麻烦快点,谢谢! 英语翻译RT请翻译出:愿意 这个词呀 我想要的翻译是it's so kind of you to willing to recommand hotels to them.但觉得这个句子不对。就是要翻译出愿意啊,因为还没有推荐啊,要等到后面才推荐啊,所 to some extent 和 in some extent 区别?仍然不理解为了方便后人把地址贴出来,最佳答案说的是对的。 Of those statements you were unable to tick,which ones would you like to work on? what do you think of sleeping outdoor?怎样回答这样回答可以吗,It sounds exciting,I like it. She like fish very much. 改为一般疑问句 急急急急 英语翻译 these are the ones I like,这句话怎么解?the ones在这里是代词吗?请赐教! are you talk with me in english ,ok 翻译中文意思 Can you talk to them with English?这句话正确吗?不正确帮我改下. The earthquake ____(happen) in Yushu on April 14,2010 It was a great _____for him to be pleasant to people he didn't like.A.trouble B.effort C.sorrow 再分析一下其他两个为什么不行3Q I like climb the Great Wall有什么错误 It was a great_for him to be pleasant to people who he didn't liketroubleeffortsorrowhorrow选什么,为什么? On April 7 in 2010,the students from Yangzhou University operate this cooking robot in Yangzhou ,east China's Jiangsu Province.翻译.急 It's a great ability to be able to hide one's ability It was a great___for him to be pleasard to people he didn`t like.A attemptB troubleC powerD effort 谁能介绍一下四川广安县,风土人情,名人胜景… 形容不同的人和物勉强凑合在一起的成语是什么 请用七()八()这种形式写成语 形容应有的秩序完全混乱了()把不同的人或物勉强凑合在一起()急!超急~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~在线等!按我的问题来回答 把不同的人或物勉强凑合在一起,用七.八.”这种形式写成语 钣金、喷漆过滤后的空气标准是多少 喷漆表面出现很多小坑,空气过滤的也很好,漆也没问题, They did it 【in the classroom】地点状语修饰did这个动作 我的对吗 汽车喷漆房的空气等级是多少