
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 09:25:29
有没有呀,最好的是北师大下的题目,难一点的!我要补习了! 2a-1和3a+4是某数的平方根,求这个数 3a-1与2A-4是一个正数的平方根,求出这个数 飞船飞行,它的速度要大于第一宇宙速度而小于第二宇宙速度,第一宇宙速度的计算公式是v1=√gR(m/s),第二宇宙速度的计算公式是√2gR(m/s),其中g=9.8(m/s^2),R=6.4*10^6(m)求第一,第二宇宙速度( 第一宇宙航行速度的公式 beer is made of一个是grain and water 一个是corn and water 标准答案给的是grain and water ,可是啤酒是小麦做的啊,那就该选有小麦意思的corn才对. 编一道高一英语定语从句的选择题,要带make use of的, 英语选择题: An eraser is made of ____ ? A. rubber B. cotton C. water D. oil 设fx在R上是奇函数,当x大于0时,fx=-x(1+x),求当x小于0时,求fx表达式 A (society) is made up of people from all walks of life.括号内的词的用法分析. 若x小于-1 则2x-1的绝对值+根号下x的平方+2x+1等于 用 all walks of life ,grow up,take up,occupation ,various,society,be made up of 写一篇英语作文120字左右 内容不限 要用到这些词组 好了我还会加分! Our classroom ____ eight windows.have,has,there is,there are.其中一个的适当形式填空. 明天上学,惨了.九九家电城上午售出海尔洗衣机4台,下午售出同样的洗衣机7台,卖这种洗衣机上午比下午少收货款3150元.(1)平均每台洗衣机售价多少元?(2)上午、下午卖这种洗衣机各收入 if you don't work hard,you can't make success_____your whole life A.in B.within C.between D.from 往下看 补全对话 A;What are you looking at under the tree ,Jim?The bird?A;What are you looking at under the tree ,Jim?The bird?B;N﹎,I'm not looking at it.I can't f﹍my cat.A;The white one o﹍ the black one?B;The white one,I know she likes Life is full of ups and downs.Success always comes along with failure What are looking at?A on the treeB on a pictureC under the bed D in the picture L look like a bird.I kan fly.I`m not animal.I`m big and hard .What am 2014福建省质检切线2014福建省质检各个城市本一 本二切线 (文理) There are a girl and four boys in the class.改错 There are a boy and a girl in the classroom.这句话怎么错了? (2x-2)²+(3x+1)² 用八年级上册的数学知识算,就是平方差因式分解什么的那章 江苏版五年级上册寒假作业在哪买 初中数学题--X的立方减9X,分解因式x的立方减9X,分解因式 The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today . The only limit of our realion of tomorrow will be our doubts of The only limit to our realization,will be our doubts of today! 对任意实数ab,定义:F(a,b)=1/2(a+b-|a-b|),若函数f(x)=x^2,g(x)=5/2x+3/2,h(x)=-x+2,那么函数G(x)=F((f(x),g(x)),h(x)),求h(x)的最大值、、后面的28是什么意思 表示什么 ; 其中22跟24表示是什么意思?是怎样计算的? 用put造句用put造一句英文句