
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 18:22:58
Help!Who can tell me how to translate the "在途物资" into English word?Thanks!None! He wants to see his friends.(翻译中文) sina+cosa=1/2 求sina请问如何处理这样的式子求sina一直很头疼做很多化简题的时候都会做到类似这样的式子sina+cosa=k (k是个定值)这样的,接下来怎么做才能简单地求出sina呢?P.s.可能还缺少点必 He likes sitting on the sofa and looking out at the window.改错 He likes__(lie) by the beach__(look)at the sky. 英语翻译 英语作文我想去什么地方的路线 you will stay with me fo是什么意思 毛脸雷公嘴是谁的形象 毛脸雷公嘴是啥意思? 雷公岩岩叫, 逗号后面那个giving的句子是定语从句,还是状语从句的省略 it had a market eight times larger than any competitor, giving its industries unparalleled economies of scale.giving 后面所修饰的是前面的的competitior, 还是 but前后一定有逗号吗?however的让步状语从句有逗号吗 描写夏天的景物 地球上的星星观后感是什么? 我想写《地球上的星星》观后感,麻烦大家帮我想一个大标题 I grew up in ShenYang,which city in the Northeast part of China.Some thing wrong,can anyone tell me His plan was such a good one ________ we all agreed to accept 3QA.so B.and C.that D.as stay here与stay there的区别 stay there stay 看题, The writer was writing a book those days用these days改写 The writer was writing a book those days.用these days改写 已知cosa+cosx=1/2,sina+sinx=1/3,求cos(a-x)的值? 采访包拯的作文要怎么写 人教版初二语文上册第16课后第三题第三题的第二小题 课文前三段写了包拯的哪件事? 这段文字重点写了包拯的____的特点,主要运用了____描写包拯性情严峻刚直,憎恶办事小吏苛杂刻薄,务求忠诚厚道,虽然非常憎恨厌恶,但从来没有不施行忠恕之道的.(他)跟人交往不随意附和,不 人教版初二语文上册第三的课后题答案.只要第一题,和第二大题的第一小题。 洛克王国怎么回清风山 洛克王国清风山为什么打完宠物就不出怪了? Be careful what you wear to bed at night,you never know who you'll meet in your dreams中文翻译