
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/31 13:16:07
怎样才能和同学朋友相处得更好?我是一个高一的学生,现在高一上学期就快结束了,可是在班上却没有一个很好的朋友,我觉得自己和她们没有太多的话题,而且觉得她们好象都不太喜欢我.有几 how are you 翻译下 失恋了 用英文怎么说~ Hello!How are you?的中文是什么 how are you doing 与how are you的区别是?相当于中文的... How are you how old are you?中文意思 first,then,next,finally和first,second,third在用法上有什么区别? 表示顺序的词除了first,second,third,then,finally之外,还有哪一组是比较高级一点的? first second third...【final or finally】?前面不都用的是形容词吗,那应该是final还是finally? 中学生与家长都有哪些沟通方式比如写纸条、写信什么的 中学生应该如何与老师交往今年18岁的胡晨星就出生在我们常德澧县的澧阳镇,父亲早逝,母亲患上中期宫颈癌,加重一贫如洗,但她却依旧坚强地走进高考考场,并考出了理科577分的好成绩,接到 how are you翻译是;你好吗?这点我知道.为什么how不是[你] are不是[好] you不是[吗] first的缩写形式是什么? first的缩写“st"是在数字的右上角吗 1st是first的缩写怎样翻译 first second一般简写成什么. 下面这句话的准确英文翻译 谢谢RJ公司需要在10月30日之前将以下设备供应商的联系方式告知客户 英语翻译有你在,我永远都不怕,小妹妹. unit 1 : how are you? 第一课的课题是 "你好吗?" 这里可以用 "课题" 吗? 英文厉害的来讲解一下.你看,how are you?的意思.那how you 是你如何的意思、那加了一个are为什么变了呢?哪些地方该用到呢 first of all,first,at first,和firstly的区别快 求求求 英语笑话带翻译Why are you smiling? 查英语词的汉语意思 douyou 求你了,告诉我你的真实想法吧. 这句话翻译成美式英语怎么说,谢谢!求你了,告诉我你的真实想法吧.这句话翻译成美式英语怎么说,谢谢! “从现实观点来看”用英语怎么说? 胡萝卜的英语单词是什么? 考研英语长难句分析If its message were confined merely to information — and that in itself would be difficult if not impossible to achieve,for even a detail such as the choice of the colour of a shirt is subtly persuasive 这句话里would 考研英语长难句分析!They look at an organic being as a savage looks at a ship,as at something wholly beyond his comprehension.对于“ as at something wholly beyond his comprehension.”这个部分在“as ”和“at”应该是省略了 考研英语:如何分析理解长难句 考研英语 句子分析The unions insist that the answer to this problem is to increase the answer is to increare the basic pay of all teachers.这个句子有没有问题?我总觉得有点别扭,谁能帮我分析一下? 表列举时first和firstly的区别同题,什么区别? 考研英语原文长难句 奇怪语法现象One could further show how more than one book of permanent value in English life has been discovered in our generation outside England,and has been as it were thrust upon the English public by foreign opi