
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 04:51:55
汝从东厢伏案出,一家堂视而笑的意思,不要一大堆,翻译这一句就行了 英语翻译 baby.you are hurt me however i can learn how to forget yo 张仪受笞后文中“若善守汝国,我顾且盗而诚”的翻译 I can't learn how to forget you. We have nine_______this term.A.subject B.subjects C.lesson D.lessons答案到底是B还是D we have ning_____this term aA classes B subjects C lessons intead of在句子中作什么成分 有个句子不太看明白,of後面的成份问题.The vast majority of those questioned(85%)of後面应该接名词或者动名词或者相同成份的短语吧,但是为什麽会是those questioned呢?还有(85%)是什麽词性呢? range of 在句中作什么成分?she notes, for example, that in the wild,dolpins have a home range of about 100 square kilometers. 请问高手,在此句中,range of 做什么成分?有省略什么吗 请帮忙详细分析一下. as a means of 作什么句子成分?There is nothing like swimming as a means of keeping fit.在这里,as是同位语,方式状语,还是swimming的定语?as a means of keeping fit.在这里做同位语,定语,还是方式状语?如果认为是 it is a place that i will never forget.为什么不是用in which. Change,don't need you said,people will see. CB,will you go to this party?Joan said there's someone to meet you at that time,a Mystery Guests.th right under my nose 直译 I just know I'll never be just a passer-by in your life Long long ago,there was a… He… Lucy thingks that the books are her best friends.(改写句子) Lucy ____ books ____ her ____ friends. Lucy are (that) your friends 适当形式填空 上海城隍庙道观人生赠言解释可比当年一塞翁虽然失马半途中不知祸福真何事到底方明事始终 英语翻译In September 1939,Britain declared war on Germany after Germany invaded Poland. 英语中D-day是什么意思? We do not play football here.(找错) Let's_____(not play)football here. 填空:It' s_________{不可能的}for me to come today.是以S开头的 because it is fine today .so we have come here t The ___school meet together once a week A.whole B.all C.all the D.many原因,句意 we meet as a whole school once a week on fridays the whole school等于all school吗? Shall we go to the garden?怎么变祈使句 meet as a whole school once aweek on friday 急 all the docs must be sent to the forwarders to attach with awb to destination.这句中的AWB是什么意思呢