
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 21:16:57
英语名词加了s以后的读音是怎么样来定的?什么情况发[s],什么时候发[z]…… 根据词义描述及首字母写单词.(g ) a kind of thing you can use it to put a stamp on an envelope(s ) a place xhere children can study(y ) the day before today(a ) telling you where someone lives(t ) a machine for making calls(m ) thirty or t 二十世纪是从几几年到几几年?请说一下到底是怎么算的.我已知道,谢谢.正解:1901—-2000年 20世纪初大概是几几年到几几年? 什么时候英语单词后面加"ed"?如“play”“watch”...要什么时候加“ed”?“I have a sore thought”为什么要用“have”? 根据首字母写单词, 发布公告 英语怎么说 “当面通知”英语怎么说大概意思是“如果不来上课,需当面通知客服部门” 检查通告用英语怎么说? 特此公告用英语怎么说文章是一篇应用文,在最后是“特此公告”四个字,如何翻译"如有引起不便,欢迎您随时与我们联系!"这句怎么翻译? 张贴告示 用英语怎么说 关于赞美荷花的诗句,1.请用一种形象生动的语言描绘一下荷的形象(必须用一种修辞手法.)2.用诗句填空.(1)荷之美,在于它随风拂来的淡淡清香:_______________(2)荷之美,在于它清凉甜润 赞美荷花的诗句,还有赞美梅花的诗句,赞美青松的诗句,赞美蜡烛的诗句!超急,快,限时2小时内! 关于梅花和荷花的诗句 关于荷花 梅花 青松 蜡烛的诗句快今天就要 你一定有过和朋友一起出外就餐的经历吧.下面是Mike和Linda外就餐的食物清单,写一篇英语短文 夏天的雨水往往比春天多 翻译 moonlight shadow歌曲的中文翻译? moonlight shadow 中文翻译是什么```怎么读? 英语翻译The last that ever she saw him,carried away by a moonlight shadow,He passed on worried and warning,carried away by a moonlight shadow,Lost in a riddle that Saturday night,far away on the other side,he was caught in the middle of a despera moonlight shadow歌词请教?star were glowing in the silvery night 老是听不出,是stars moving 还是 star was glowin反正就是,请教下这句到底是star什么,我说的是Dana Winner 版的! moonlight shadow的中文翻译谢谢. 以 wich how ofen what time when how soon how long why 用这几个特殊疑问词,一个词造2特殊疑问句 夏天有很多乐趣 英语怎么说 在夏季用英语怎么说? 英语翻译A ShadowThere is a thing that nothing isAnd yet it has a name It's sometimes long and sometime's shortAnd plays at every gameA smileA smile from end to endYet as close to you as a friendA precious commodity,freely givenSeen on the dead an ___will you stay in America?___will you start?___will you be back?how long ,how soon ,when 原因 根据下面表格的信息,写一篇介绍你的朋友Sam的短文.词数60左右.可适当添加情节.Name:sam Age:13Like:basketball,swimming,drawing,musicFavoritefood:fish and chipsAppearance:short and straight hair,big eyes,medium heig 请根据下表所列信息,写一篇50~70词左右的短文,介绍你的好朋友HelenName HelenAge(年龄) 14Birthday October 12thFavorite color BlueFavorite subjet ArtFavorite sport Basketball 根据表格中的信息,写一篇介绍你朋友的文章Name AliceAge 13How long has she studied English? 5 yearsWhy does she like learning English? Travel all over the worldWhat kind of job does she want? A tour guide 根据所提供的信息,写一封电子邮件,把老师对你的学习评价介绍给你的朋友Mike.词数:60.文章开头结尾已给Teachers:Math What they said :Hard-working Theachers:Chinese What they said:Good at writing Teachers:English Wh how long,how soon,how far等用什么回答,明天一模了!就是说,how long是用for回答的,那其他呢?