
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 16:17:19
maybe there is sth wrong with my brain I can't understand you maybe there something wrong with your brain.hahaha^中文什么意思? 折叠自行车好骑吗 折叠自行车那种好骑的? 怎么骑折叠自行车? 折叠自行车 好骑吗,哪里比较好? 关于间接引语和直接引语的英语作文记叙意见你和你周围的人发生的事,只要转述他们说的话.60字左右.注意间接引语和直接引语的使用 淼字怎么读 什么是直接引语改为间接引语比如:他摸了摸嘴,好像回味似的说:“吃过了,我一起锅就吃,比你们还先吃呢.” 怎么改?老班长猛抬起头,支吾着说:“我,我早就吃过了.看到碗里还没吃干净,仍 然后,她突然提出一个解决办法:“如果你愿意,你可以分享我的爸爸.他是一个好爸爸,我想他不会介意的.”从直接引语改为间接引语 英语翻译德语的“敬礼”翻译成中文 要发音 直接引语改为间接引语How old are you where do you live >have you hurt yourself?can you stand up were you on your way home shall i phone your parents?do you need some help 把下列直接引语改为间接引语1 He asked me ,“Do you want to go hiking next Sunday?”2 The teacher said to us,"The earth goes around the sun."3 "T moved to the city in 2002."Mike said4 I'm not going to her house on Friday night.5 Lana thi 将下列直接引语改为间接引语或间接引语改为直接引语.Mary asked whether she should do that.He told us to go to school then. 〃 淼〃这个字念什么? 淼有人萍平凡念什么字 Americans think it's important for young people to decide on their life by themselves. 淼字怎么读 hope against IT'S HARD FOR ME ()THIS SENTENCE(_)ENGLISHA TO TRANSLATE,INTO B TRANSLATE,INTO C TO TRANSLATE,IN D TRANSLATE,IN选哪个请说明理由 英语翻译 学霸们来吧,英语题 哪位朋友能翻译下面的话为英文?谢谢“不要和猪打架,那样你会弄一身泥,而且猪会很开心”请把上面的汉语翻译为英文.谢谢哪位能告诉我该怎么知道那个是正确的答案?投票选择怎样?另外 be supposed to 中后面不定式是什么语法?做什么成分? he is a difficult man to please.这句话中的不定式在句子中充当什么成分? 一篇叫(Tourist Shanghai)的英语作文 He is understood to be a man of ability.句子中不定式作什么成份. my dream is to be a hostess in CCTV 中的不定式做什么成分 shanghai是什么意思小写的S 译成中文Ivydale Guesthouse**** Bath Tourist Association ApprovedIvydale Guesthouse**** Bath Tourist Association Approved Ron and Ann welcome you to Ivydale ,where modern comforts and traditional hospitality meet. D为什么不对? 物理交流电题我们知道Em=NBSw 这里没有N,但是这个Em是针对线框双边切割磁感线推出来的啊而这里只有线框的一边在切割磁感线啊.所以电动势应为单边电动势即e=0.5BSwsinwt所以Em=0.5BSw才对啊.把