
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/07 01:02:53
英语听力中怎样分清30与13? 求音乐:英语听力中的14 40 的差别 When do 2 and 2 mmake more than 这是谜语.写出英语答案. 英语翻译secretary是秘书的意思, 英语翻译看图 划线句的中文翻译 They ________(not play)football for months1,They ________(not play)football for months2,I__________(visit)this park before.3,____________you ever________(see)this film?4,We___________never________(do) so much homework5,You__________(not clean) the cl They(--------) (not play) football this morningThey(--------) (not play) football this morning. Jack ( )football now.(not play) 杭州湾跨海大桥建成后的感想 3Jean wants to go to China but she ____money.A didn't have B doesn't have toC had toD has no What can we do to stop the p------ and make our hometown cleaner? She wants to make a lot of f____ in China 英语翻译 改成一般疑问句并作肯定回答 I'm always hungry after the thrid class in the morning.改成一般疑问句,并作否定回答My cousin Jane likes carrots.______ your cousin Jane ______ carrots?______ ,she _____. L;m still hungry改一般疑问句 I'm thirsty. I'm hungry.(改为选择疑问句) 将来的常州是什么样的 英语怎么说我的意思是,这句话用英语怎么说 江苏省常州市武进区邹区镇戴庄村大沟小组15号用英语怎么说 常州第三人民医院用英语怎么说 MJ写billie jean这首歌到底想表达什么到底想表达什么,是为什么? It was what he meant rather than what he said.帮忙翻译一下吧 it was what he meant rather than what he said__made me angryA.that B.which C.what D.who 英语不好,谢谢了 《水经注·江水·三峡》中其实彩色(形容),冷冷(不绝) 解释括号中词语的意思解释“始信耳闻之不如亲见矣”“非日中夜半,不见日月”与《三峡》中的哪一句意思相同?《水经注·江水· 英文语言学是非题求解 :1.( ) If A and B show a hyponymic relation in which A is a general term and B is a specific term ,then B can be described as “a part of”A.2.( ) The meaning of a specific term is included in the meaning of 英语翻译初一上册语文补充习题中三峡中的问题探究的二.江水又东,迳西陵峡.宜都记曰:“自黄牛滩东入西陵界,至峡口百许里,山水纡曲,而两岸高山重障,非日中夜半,不见日月,绝壁或十许丈, 三峡中采用比喻的手法说明江水湍急的语句是? 关于汉语言学的若干判断题1.每个汉字都代表一个音节,所以汉字是音节文字.2.汉字是汉民族文化的根,很好地表现了汉民族的文化.3.现代汉语常用字大致是在7000左右4.《现代汉语通用字表》中 I donot know that she is so crazy about Apple iphone4s 这句话有没有语病 seeing that he is so crazy about music,she decides to let him go这句中的that可不可以省略 用余弦定理证明:在△ABC中(1)a=bcosC+ccosB;(2)b=ccosA+acosC;(3)c=acosB+bcosA.