
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 22:00:25
studies show merit aid also tends to benefit disproprtionately students who为什么IT 代指奖学金?此句不全,后半句为could afford to enroll without it.就是这里的it. A reality TV show is to give Indian students a chance to compete for five scholarships ( ) ...A reality TV show is to give Indian students a chance to compete for five scholarships ( ) 45000 pounds each to British universities.A.worthy no more thanB. I tried to call you __I heard from him,but you were not in then.A.as soon as B.until C soonD as 选 These are all gloops:X 8 T A U.None of these are gloops:B 7 D 2 S.which of the following are gloops?H 5 W 3 E I Q i tried to call you ______ i heard from him ,but you were not in / since while until because I tried to call you __I heard the news ,but you weren't in.A while B as soon as C until I tired to call you __ I heared from him ,but you were not in .A.since B.while C.until D.as soon as 我上五年级(下)语文苏教版习作六让写崇拜的人,我喜欢杨幂,谁能帮我酝酿成作文?谢谢! 甲乙两车同时从AB两地相对开出,5小时后相遇,甲车再开4小时到达B地.如果甲车每小时比乙车快18千米,那么AB地的距离是多少千米? 已知sinx=a-3/2,求a的取值范围. 甲乙两人分别从ab两地同时出发,相向而行,甲行到AB的中点时,乙离中点还有0.18千米.按这样的速度,甲到B地时乙离A地还有多少千米? 某汽车启动阶段的路程函数s(t)=-10t^2+24t+2,则汽车在t=1时的瞬时速度为? 妇姑荷箪食,童稚携壶浆 运用了什么手法 求以How can we be a good learner?为主题的征文是英文的80-100字 Eric is my brother.(改为一般疑问句) Is Ms Smith Helen is mother?(作肯定回答) Mary's mother is (a nurse).特殊疑问句 Is Helen Emma's mother是什么意思 Is Ms Smith Helen's mother?(做肯定回答) MIss Guo is thinking------things that may happen-----the fire drill.a.about ,of b.about ,during c.of,of d.over ,to 吉林省湖泊有哪些生态意义 三年级科学空气有重量吗百度文库 已知关于x的方程x^2-(2t-8)x+t^2-16=0的两个实数根x1,x2,满足x1 吉林市荟萃前面的hicano是啥意思? 已知a+b+c=1(a,b,c为正数) 求证 (1/(b+c)-a)(1/(a+c)-b)(1/(a+b)-c)≥(7/6)^3 her eraser is blue.改为一般疑问句,并做肯定和否定回答. 请看我新的报价,产品材料可以通过食品级测试.英文怎说? 甲乙二人同时从甲村到乙村,甲速度4公里每小时,乙速度5公里每小时,甲比乙晚15分钟,求总路程 产品或原料检测时有没有“挥发性盐基酸”这个指标 某人从甲村去乙村,在乙村停留一小时返回甲村,去时的速度是5千米/小时,回时的速度是4千米/小时,来回包括停留时间共用去6.5小时,回来因绕道多走了2千米,求去时所走的路程.(列方程解) A、B两地相距15千米甲乙两人同时由A地出发,甲的速度比乙快5千米/时,所以甲比乙早15分钟到达B地10:A、B两地相距15千米,甲、乙两人同时由A地出发,甲的速度比乙快5千米/时,所以甲比乙早15 明和丽同时从甲村出发到乙村,丽的速度4千米一小时,明的速度5千米一小时,丽比明玩到15分钟,求两村路程写出算式,有讲解要方程的 不要花费太多的时间在网上聊天英语 Don't _____too_____time______on the Iternet.填空