
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 06:07:08
It's cold!I want go home! Institution of 哪位亲可以告诉俺institution of origin 大谢! 填介词 my parents arrived___ a cold night Life is poetically compared to the morning dew.这是曹操的一句诗翻译成的英语,这是哪句诗? to waste time is to idle away one's life ,请问,这里的是“to”什么作用,为什么要加"to". shit in you是俚语吗意思呢,和fuck同意吗 he said it was real 还是really TERMINAL VELOCITY怎么样 什么是肥尾现象?最好能举个例子说明. he was afraid of her to change her mind 这句话有没有错? 分词用法:The ​ visiting Prime Minister expressed his satisfaction with his talksThe visiting Prime Minister expressed his satisfaction with his talks,___ that he had enjoyed his stay这里我知道要用adding,但是 "talks,___ "中间没 鲁滨逊名言快 急用! 鲁滨逊的名言警句 鲁滨逊的名言 鲁滨孙的名言和读过的感受重要的是读过名言的感受! 形容鲁滨逊这个人的名言只要用来形容鲁滨逊的名人名言,不是《鲁滨逊漂流记》内的名言. finishing his homework前面为什么要加after I feel it is no use _with him about the problem,he won't change his mind A to have argued B havI feel it is no use _with him about the problem,he won't change his mindA to have argued B having arguedC argueingD argued 英语中的speed和velocity,哪个是速度哪个是速率?今天翻看英文的物理课本,发现一个问题,书里提到speed is a scalar quantity(标量),velocity is a vector quantity(矢量),但speed是速度,velocity是速率,这和高中物 微积分speed和velocity区别 全部的过程➕答案 改写短文的原句是I don't know.那改写是He don’t know对还是He wasn’t know对 英语翻译Now,pay attention andlisten very,very carefully!Did you hear anything..Let’s try again!You didn’t hear a thing?That’s normal,human ear can hear only a certain part of frequency spectrum.But your smart phone and tablet can hear frequ culture administrative department 英语翻译There was an unusual problem serving the requested URL.的 中文意思是什么 draw form 和 take from这两个词组,可以互相替换时,表示什么含义? administrative expense是什么意思 求小辣椒 recovery 的中英文翻译 expense什么意思 commited expense是什么意思? 英语翻译RT 现在最好先有not afraid和almost famous的注意是歌词的中文翻译视情况有加分的 sg&a expense是什么意思还有EBITDA