
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:55:04
我要喝牛奶怎样用英文回答? holiday usually () about two months A.takes B,spends C,lasts答对了给5分 今天之前 要有原因 when to start and where to go camping hasn't/haven't been decided 是用hasn't 还是haven't? 请问黄香蕉苹果和黄元帅苹果是一个东西吗? I haven't decided which train I should take.(用动词不定式改写句子)顺便解释一下什么是动词不定式 spicy,they ,wouldn't like to ,l ,have ,too ,because ,fried chicken wings ,are.连词成句.spicy,they ,wouldn't like to ,l ,have ,too ,because ,fried chicken wings ,are.连词成句. 15.The cakes are delicious.He'd like to have_______ third one because______ second .15.The cakes are delicious.He'd like to have_______ third one because______ second one is rather too smallA.a:a B.the:the C.a:the D.the:a请分析考点及解题思 改错 The chicken wings are smelt delicious . The temperature是什么意思 the high the lowest temperature 是什么意思 the high temperature is 27degrees27degrees划线提问 相机里面出现了battery temperature high,是什么意思 I will be in China for the summer holiday 为什么要加be? 弹簧柱塞是什么 什么是75号弹簧钢带?75代表什么?依据标准又是什么? 一个言字中间是弹簧是什么成语 弹簧1×6×5.5×21什么意思 歌词里有"she said good bye"这句,求这首歌偶尔听到的,我只记得有这句话, 咋么改感叹句?They are very delicious. Good-bye My Loneliness的歌词 “Because they are very beautiful”怎么读?最好能快点给偶说. 歌词有i love you 和say good bye..虽然不记得是哪首歌了,不过我相信有很多人听过.是全英文的.声音很清的..没有大起大落,是个女人唱的.貌似歌挺旧的,2,3年前的吧..————————这个号没有 ---Where are you going for your holiday?---I'm not sure yet.I ( ) to goingB.will goC.may go D.had better go where are you going on holiday?还可以等于 where are you going ()()your holiday Where are you going on your holiday什么意思 these shoes are at a very good price这句话有语法错误吗 where are you going on your holiday?一般过去式 a,sell,sweaters,we,price,these,good,at,very 连词成句 where are you going on your holiday buy,at,good,a,you,can,it,price,very连词成句ji a,sell,goods,we,price,these,goods,at,very连词成句,谢谢咯~~~