
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 14:01:34
懂德语的进德语单词表后面的标注什么意思?比如 r Name,-n,-n 中,第一个和第二个“-n”都是什么意思啊?还有 r Herr,-n,-en ,“-n”和“-en”分别是什么意思啊? 懂德语进请问德语中柜员一词怎么说?就是在银行柜台工作的. People work hard for a whole year.Then maybe some of them will go somew here to have a rest.They may go to mountain and rivers or go to visit some places.They may also play some sports or do other interesting activites to relax themselves的中文. 谁给我设计一个英文名字我叫黎明 女的 给我设计一个英文名字 能不能帮我设计一个英文名字?我叫王海晨.女.英文名和中文名读音相似.我是狮子座.20岁..有一点美感.代表什么 请高人翻译下这段话子所言者,其人与骨皆已朽矣,独其言在耳.且君子得其时则驾,不得其时则蓬累而行.吾闻之,良贾深藏若虚,君子盛德,容貌若愚.去子之娇气与多欲,态色与淫志,是皆无益于子 英语翻译今天,我要给大家介绍一位中国的篮球运动员——易建联.他15岁的时候进入CBA,04年入选中国国家男子篮球队,05年成为CBA史上最年轻的MVP,并且在07年的时候他进入了美国的NBA.在今年9月 英语翻译再多的努力也挽回不了我们的感情,我的心碎了,我不想放弃,可我真的好无奈!你知道我有多痛吗?好吧,与其我们都难受,不如我自己承担!就让我心碎的再彻底一点,所有的伤我自己背,所 tacy is h_____than any other girl because she eats lots of junk foodTina is a little t____than Lucy. 英语翻译ELEGY WRITTEN IN A COUNTRY CHURCHYARD The curfew tolls the knell of parting day; The lowing herd wind slowly o'er the lea; The ploughman homeward plods his weary way,And leaves the world to darkness and to me.Now fades the glimmering land She eats lots ____ healthy food.横线上应该填什么 那位先生(女士)把我的名翻译成英文名我的名字叫陈海利 . 谢谢您了.. She has been _____North City Park three times with my sister.A.on C.about We all _(十分珍惜) the 8-days holiday after a year of hard work.请填入一个符合句子意思,中文解释的单词。只可以是一个单词。 what would you like to c—— for your mother?下文 I am not sure .but I know a scarf as a gift is not enough What changes would you like to see in your shool?用I`d like to have`````回答急啊 要回答6句啊 What would you like to eat on your birthday?like 后面为什么要加to? He played football last sunday?变:1、一般疑问句2、一般疑问句否定3、回答4、否定句5、特殊疑问句What提问 He often ( )football last holiday.A:play B:plays C:played D:to play he often played computer games last year这句话有没有问题?怎么改.有过去时行为动词,也有often怎么办? 英语翻译通过满足需求达到顾客满意,最终实现包括利润在内的企业目标,是现代市场营销的基本精神.世界营销学权威科特勒教授曾经说:“除了满足顾客以外,企业还要取悦他们.”今天的公 英语翻译在所有我们所做和所受的经历当中,我们的意识素质总占着一个经久不变的地位;一切其他的影响都依赖机遇,机遇都是过眼烟云,稍影即现,且变动不已的;唯独个性在我们生命的第一 cod为什么空白变绿?硫酸银对他又什么影响? 急 重铬酸钾法测COD空白水样加热后变绿色是什么原因 COD在300-400之间为啥要变绿呢 我不会,第五题,求学霸 这种题我不会做︶︿︶, ---How would you like your coffee?--- ____.A ,Black,please B.Very nice.C.It tastes good D.No,thanks 翻译: 不管是谁,只要触犯法律,依法严肃惩处. —What's that?—____a watch.A.That is B.That's C.It's D.Its After three year’s______(train),Mary began to work on a plane.They should _____(help)when they areAfter three year’s______(train),Mary began to work on a plane.They should _____(help)when they are sick.The nurses ______(not be)afraid when they we they ( )usually ( )(累的)after work