
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 08:23:56
美国海军那时正在寻找方法去提高导弹的精度.(过去进行时,US Navy,accuracy,missiles)翻译句子 而的用法,与“制天命而用之”中的而意义和用法相同的是A.锲而不舍,金石可镂 B.郦元之所见闻,殆与余同,而言之不详C.独怆然而泣下D.积善成德,而神明自得 下例句子中“其”的用法不同于其他三项的是( )A、其真无马耶?其真不知马也.B、其恕乎!己所不欲,勿施于人.C 、增其旧制,刻唐贤今人诗赋于其上.D 、安陵君其许寡人. 海军英文navy怎么念? 1._____englishmen like beer.a.most b.most of the c.most of d.the most2.this is one of ______ interesing books on your subject.a.the most b.the most of the c.most d.most of the能不能告诉我为什么选A?这几个词各是什么意思,有什么区 A language is a dialect with an army and navy our new maths teacher is a woman ( A.in her early 30s B.in her early 30's书上的表达,是in one's early/late 30's,但是.我做了几份试卷答案都是in one's early/late 30s,倒底那个才是正确表达啊. have a second idea的意思 Think and have a A photograph mearsuring 5'' wide*7'' long must be reduced in size to fit a space 4 inches long in an advertising brchure.How wide must the space be so that the picture remains in proportion? navy什么意思,急,给好评 SRY基因是什么? I have a cold yesterday,what should.I do now ,what.should I eat,or drink still new 有个菲律宾佬给我回了条消息,最后一句是 STILL NEW SRY!hmmm...can send me email?and how can I make an mp3 file?XDstill new sry!这些是他说, What do different pets eat and drink?的回答是什么? sry i didnt understand wait wat sry 什么意思 we sometimes play football and c____together填什么啊,快 11.I walked up to the top of the hill with my friends,we enjoyed a splendid view of the lake.A.which B.where C.who D.that为什么选B而不选A 歌曲高潮 要是能重来我要旋律拜是什么歌 男的唱的 酷我音乐盒中有首非主流高潮手机铃声是什么歌哦在酷我音乐盒中 搜索 非主流高潮手机铃声 大概内容是这样的DA 郎 DA郎 AADA郎 DA郎OODA郎DA郎 AAA......000 女的唱的 是什么歌曲哦 英语翻译翻译On the whole,dorm life is about patience ,compromise,and giving Be considerate of your roommates and they in return will be considerate of your time ,friengs and space.Discuss and try to communicate what you are upset about with you 英语翻译此句的意思是什么? 一. 1.How do you spend your summer holidays?2.Can you say something about your school life?3.What birthday present will you give to the members of your family?Why?二. 1.What’s your favorite TV programme?Why?2.Can you say something about your Tom climbed a mountain with his friends.根据答语写问句老师说是What did Tom do?好像不用加with his friends easter is quite a l_____ holiday for everybody按首字母填空 for the most part,the same air is available to everyone 这句话如何翻译 I had a long holiday for May Day中for做何解释? 英语翻译Instead of the air of the heating room,it is possible to run cold tap water over a heat exchanger for cooling.求翻译°°!是关于太阳能热水器的||| chicken boss 求正解 求翻译! Debbie hopes to ( )a new world record.这里不可以填set up.应该是make & build 中的一个,是哪一个呢? son of a bitch in 前面的知道,就是in strong这个不懂、、