
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/09 00:09:02
英语翻译要求翻译通顺,不要用在线翻译。需要交的,谢谢了Speech Synthesis is concerned with the generation of speech by computer.It is important to divide the general field into two areas which are frequently developed separat 光大证券事件感悟怎么写O(∩_∩)O谢谢 急要 do you have a music lesson on monday怎么回答 用所给词的正确形式填空:After the bell (ring ),the students rushed out of the classroom . 1.After the bell rings,the students run out of the classroom at once._ the bell,the students run o同义句改写1.After the bell rings,the students run out of the classroom at once._ the bell,the students run out of the classroom _ _ or _ _.2.I don' One day after school,all the students rushed out of the classroom.帮忙短文改错 英语翻译我现在开始觉得,我如今的生活,虽然是简陋不堪,而与以前的那种邪恶可鄙的生活相比,却已不知道强多少倍,我现在不以过去之忧为忧,也不以过去之乐而乐了.这句话的英文, It's not sure any more that only old women knit.翻译谢谢 挪威小镇英语短文翻译 They have a music lesson at two怎么提问 when we got to school,we heard the bell.when we got to school,we were hearing the bell.哪句对? We ______(know) eath other for five years.When they heard the bell,they ______(hurry) to the dohurry) to the door.(hurry是瞬间动词吗) 鲁宾逊太空历险 ROBINSON CRUSOE ON MARS怎么样 挪威的介绍用英文介绍挪威的优点,要少而简,且语言不要太难啊, I miss China.I will come again and see you. there have aways been people 正确么?there have aways been people 和there has aways been people哪个正确? Although people have done ___ to save the elephant,there is still a long way ___.不好意思,空格处选项为1:A everything B nothing C anything D something 2:A to save B to go C to think D to find what do all your people do kiss and ride是什么意思? 我看到的句子中,这个短语是和bus、cycle这些交通方式并列的 蒙古人格斗强吗?印象中这个民族很彪悍的,请问蒙古格斗高手有哪些? 黑子和耀斑都是太阳活动最激烈的显示对吗 ( )you go to the Great Wall last sunday?A:Are B:is C:Do D:Did I don't know how I can fly a kite.的同义句 I don't know how I can fly a kite(同义句) I don't know how ____ _____a kite I don't know how I can fly a kite.I dont know how _____ _____a kite. 求蒙古人在明朝建立后的情况, Betty says that she has learned..为什么是has,不是had吗?以前学过一个单元:把别人别人说的话“”去掉,“”里的部分就是用had done的啊... Betty has just told me all that has happened to her答案是 Betty has just tole me all that was happened to her 为什么呢 明朝时蒙古人首都建在哪里?还有,明代的隆庆元年往前推60年是那年(哪个皇帝的第几年)?那时的蒙古大汗是谁?从河北张家口到当时的蒙古首都要经过那些地方?这些地方的地名在明朝时叫什么? she told us that .that什么时候不加 什么时候要加? it's a lot easier to get in the hole than to get out again. 请翻译这句话Asks you to come back loves my again