
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 16:43:44
最适宜的手部消毒液包括70%的酒精和0.2%的( )溶液 A过氧乙酸 B漂白粉 C消毒灵 D新洁尔灭 体温表不常用的消毒液是哪种 1.过氧乙酸 2.酒精 3.新洁尔灭 4.络合碘 5.洗必泰 “叔略多计数,晓习时事,护渐信之,兼督内外”的翻译 就什么事件给谁的一封信 帮忙想下. 时事的. 作文帮忙想下.事件是关于时事的. 作文 thesis statement是什么? thesis statement与summary有什么区别? 关于thesis statement 的说shopping 在中国很盛行.there are three main reasons why shopping is popular in China,China's economy is developing,people want to find a good way to relax and more shopping malls are builted recently years.怎么修 could you please ______ watch TV now?为什么填not to 不填don’t? 高中数学有关圆的问题条件:(1)截y轴长为2.(2)被x轴分成两段圆弧,其弧长之比为3:1在满足(1)(2)的所有的圆中,求圆心到直线l:x-2y=0距离最小时圆的方程.麻烦解答时可以给出详细的过程.谢谢 是get into a habit of还是get into the habit of we should get into the habit of keeping good hoursrt good hours是什么good hours是早睡早起》? 用get into the habit of造句 Just_your opinion,I think that young people should not get into the habit of smokigA same to B similar with C on the contrary D opposite toJust_your opinion,I think that young people especially students should not get into the habit of smokig.A same What did you do stupid things again and again? 我叫王婷、给意见取个英文名、最好和我名字差不多的.一定是英文的.意境点的也很好. 我叫王婷 麻烦大家帮忙起个英文名字~ 红豆杉本身有毒!如果放在卧室闻了会不会有毒 Smoking is a bad habit.You should _________ it.A.throw away B.get away with C.get ridSmoking is a bad habit.You should _________ it.A.throw away B.get away with C.get rid of D.throw 为什么选B Since you kinow smoking is bad for you,__get rid of this bad habit?这句话的答案为何是A,而不用C,能不能说原因?A.why not B.what abou C.why don't D.how to This bad habit should be got rid of?为什么这里要用got呢? ----Don't spit in public,Jim.It's a bad habit,you should get rid of this bad habit.-----_________.Mrs Black.A. OK,I will B. Sorry,I won't选哪个?疑惑ing. we should ___ our bad habit of using things only once.A.throw away b.get rid of c.give upd.turn off 几何体概念几何体的概念是什么? 几何体的概念 分别告诉我几何体四心的定义 关于空间几何体的概念这句话对吗?一直角梯形绕下底所在直线旋转一周,所形成的曲面围成的几何体是圆台 人离平面镜的距离是1.5米他身后2米有一副地图镜中地图的像离人___米 某饲养场共养鸡鸭352只,鸡是鸭的3倍还多32只,鸡鸭各有多少只? 饲养场共养鸡鸭525只,鸡的只数是鸭的2.5倍,鸡鸭各多少只? with me doing sth还是with I doing sth致力于怎么说 是devote one,s efforts 还是devote oneselfdevote oneself to do sth应该也行吧 最好在3月份五号之前给我 悉尼哪里买巴士车票