
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 22:31:19
怎么学会英语对话 如何才能在最短时间里学会英语 我想学销售英语,怎么才能在最短时间内学会我是一家服装专卖店的收银员,每天都会面对很多的外国友人,可我在英语这方面很欠缺,给我带来了许多的不便,我想尽快学会销售英语,给点实际一 20道英语选择题1.More than one-third of the Chinese in the US live in California,_____ in San Francisco.a、previously b、mainly c、practically d、permanently2.The happy look on his face ______ that he had passed the exam successfully.a、exp 英语的选择题(20道)1.Matter is the name ____ to everything that has weight and occupies space.a、givingb、to be givenc、givend、that are given2.The next moment,____ she had time to realize what was happening,she was hit over the head.a 英语选择题20道,题号:1 They carry ___ with their work in spite of the extremely difficult conditions.选项:a、outb、overc、ond、back题号:2 Mr.Smith ___ a most important part in the development of our city.选项:a、tookb、hadc、playe 英语翻译还有coming up! 英语选择题20道人教实验版 学英语报32期(高一必修3)2012.02.17那版的人教实验版 学英语报32期(高一必修3)图已发出请好心人作答 英语翻译是关于名人背后的故事访谈类节目 英语20道选择题. CCTV9上Up-Close怎么翻译 close-up inspections怎样翻译 close的全部中文翻译是? feelletplaysoundwatchlikeeatrunbuyaffordseesellgolesrnthink以上词语的三单,现在进行时,过去式请一一列出 求推荐几部适合练习英语口语的美剧 考上大学请客讲话我考上了一所大学 临走前按照惯例需要请客并在台上讲话 但不知道在台上说些什么 大家帮我出出主意 大约说2分钟左右 我家请客吃饭,要讲感谢的话.有关生病出院后的感谢词.帮忙想想说什么, 初五我家请客吃饭,要讲感谢的话.有关我妈生病和我参加工作的感谢词.帮忙想想说什么,前一段我妈手术,大伙很关心~尤其是我大舅妈(离我家很远),经常给我家端来饭菜.在我工作问题上( 因为我考上大学了,家里要请客办酒席,在开场时我应该怎么说?(着急) 感谢词怎么写 He can speak not only English but also French .改成He can speak English 空 French 空空My deskmate expressed his willingness to help me with my English .改成My deskmate 空空help me with my English i an speak english.t can speak chinese too.改成not only…but…as well和not only …but also句型i an speak english.t can speak chinese too.i am very cold.i am very a fraid,too.i saw him yesterday.i helped him,too.改成not only…but…as well 根据句意和首字母完成单词.1、She can speak English,but only a l___.2、I can't help you w__ your English today.3、What's your a___? I live in Yimeng Road. 英语同音词,尽量多写,追分.词汇和词意都写. 小孩满月酒上主人怎么说我是一个不善于表达人的人,小孩办满月酒时在酒桌上举杯敬所有宾客时说句什么好呢,我想说感谢之类的,但我又不知道说感谢什么 生孩子在酒店摆满月酒,司仪会叫父母说话,父母该说些什么?怎么说这个感谢词!给份完整的!开头要是:各位亲朋好友………… 摆满月酒用英语怎么说 请问“小孩满月酒”英语怎么说 looked at the man怎么连读磁带中听到 looked at连读后at就不发音了,就直接:looked the man 为什么? 【】婴儿的满月酒怎么说?rt "open it and see" it和and 连读吗and是弱读还是强读啊 写出下列的同音词1.see2.I3.are not的结合