
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 23:01:11
英语语法题 冠词和数词11题目为图片,请解释答案+翻译句子,最好能写出解题的思考过程, 英语语法题 冠词和数词18题目为图片,请解释答案+翻译句子,最好能写出解题的思考过程, I'd like to read the books _____travelingA.with B.aboutC.ofD.for i will read books that i like有什么错误吗?i will do more exercises like swimming这句话有错吗?我希望这将是一个美好的假期 英语怎么说 50个英语短语和句子求帮忙大神们帮帮忙(2)的意思是用2种不同的方式写 短语 1有点(2) 2有点可爱 3有点聪明 4有点丑 5有点可爱 6有点有趣 7有点害羞 8十分友好 9十分美丽 10和朋友一起玩 11 He is a post man,he works in a post office是什么意思 a man worked in a post office.阅读理解a man worked in a post office.his job was to process all mails that bad wrong address.one day a letter came to his desk,addressed to god.he thought,“i can open this one and see what it's all about .”so he The old man said,"where the post office" 改为间接英语 the young man who has applied for the post__in the general manager's officec)to be interviewed b) is being interviewed 请问为什么选B how do you like ;what do you like 两句的like是不是介词 What s__ do you like at school 什么是一般将来时啊,它和过去将来时有什么区别呢? 将来正在进行时与过去将来时有完成式吗? 一道简单文科数学的集合题A={x|y=x+1,x属于R}B={y|y=x^2+1,x属于R}则A∩B=?答案为{x|x≥1}但是这两个集合一个是x一个是y啊, 一.一个均匀的正四面体上分别涂有1234四个数字,现随机投掷两次,正四面体面朝下的数字分别是b,c.(1)记z=(b-3)^2 (c-3)^2,求z=4的概率(2)若方程x^2-bx-c=0至少有一根a属于{1,2,3,4}就称 一,已知A(0,2),点B,C在直线y=-1上运动,且|BC|=2倍根号3(1)求三角形ABC外接圆的圆心P的轨迹E的方程;(2)过定点D(0,3/2)作相互垂直的直线l1,l2,分别交轨迹E于M,N和RQ求四边形MRNQ面积的最小值?二,已知函 .Your father's brother's daughter is your ___. A_____has there hands and it can tell us the timeThere are twenty—four_______in a day.The third day of a week is ______.He often goes to Beijing by plane.So he ________to Beijing.She often goes to work 分别是什么如题 广东省的 Did you tell your brother the good news at that time?No,my mother (tell)him 文科数学一道圆的题目```若x^2+y^2+(入-1)*x+2入y+入=0表示圆,则的取值范围要原理 Is your brother good at ( )(tell) jokes? Tell your brother not ( ) matches.It's dangerous.A.play with B.to play withC.playing on D.to play on lady gaga 的中文是什么 lady gaga的中文名叫什么? 1.人体缺少某种元素就会生病.下面这些病是缺少什么引起的?侏儒症( ) 大脖子病( ) 贫血( ) 克山病( )2.你知道这些热特殊的日子吗?5月31日( ) 7月11日( )3.成语对对子(注意对仗要工整发,意思要相 1.请填写我国著名佛寺所在地.白马寺() 灵隐寺() 大慈恩寺() 少林寺()2.请写出下面戏曲人物所属的角色行当.诸葛亮() 杜十娘() 钟馗() 武松()3.根据数字猜成语.12345609() 1+2+3()4 LADY GAGA是什么意思 half the man中文意思 I am not the man I was是什么意思 do you wake up at your usual time after a late night,or do you sleep until later? it's about time and your time's _______(wake) up! It's time for breakfast.要有原因,是不是写Waking? 求解