
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/29 11:37:08
玻璃瓶盖打不开 玻璃瓶盖怎么打开?我新买的罐头,打不开盖,吃不到我喜欢的罐头了, 实验中能用磨口玻璃瓶保存的是A KOH B 溴水 C水玻璃 D氢氟酸 实验: 准备材料:玻璃瓶、水和小石子. 实验过程:先往玻璃瓶内倒半瓶水,接着用红笔在玻璃瓶外按水位↓画一条线,然后开始往玻璃瓶里投小石子,这时,水位便开始上升,再继续往玻璃瓶里 一个玻璃瓶的十五种重新使用的方法? 用铁皮做罐头盒,每张铁皮可做盒身16个,或制盒底43个,一个盒身与两个盒底配成一套罐头盒,现有150张铁皮,用多少制盒身,多少制盒底,可以正好制成整套罐头盒?要求使用二元一次方程组列出式 1个罐头盒是1个侧面配两个底面,如果用1张铁皮做罐头盒的侧面正好可以做16个,做罐头盒的底面正好可做43个问:现有铁皮75张共可做多少个罐头盒?(解题过程清晰易懂,要用二元一次方程组来 一个罐头盒是一个侧面配两个底面,如果用一张铁皮做罐头盒的侧面,正好做16个.一张铁皮做底面,正好做43个.现有铁皮75张,共可以做多少个罐头盒.这样做对吗?假设罐头盒为圆柱体,先画个矩形, 用铁皮做罐头,每张铁皮可制盒身16个,或盒底43个,一个盒身与两个盒底配成一套罐头盒,现有150张铁皮...用铁皮做罐头,每张铁皮可制盒身16个,或盒底43个,一个盒身与两个盒底配成一套罐头盒,现 买回一个罐头,可怎么拧也拧不开,用螺丝刀在瓶盖边上撬了几下,一拧就开了,这是为什么? 如何快速度打开罐头瓶盖,使劲也拧不开 1个罐头盒是1个侧面配两个底面,如果用1张铁皮做罐头盒的侧面正好可以做16个,做罐头盒的底面正好可做43个问:现有铁皮75张共可做多少个罐头盒?最好能用初一的代入消元法来解!写明过程! 开罐头的窍门 开罐头的方法玻璃瓶,孰料盖,我用了吃奶的劲了,瓶子朝下拍了,搞不定啊 冰箱可以放玻璃瓶吗?刚买了冰箱 玻璃瓶装满啤酒可以放到冰箱中冷冻吗 冻后的现象是玻璃瓶装满啤酒可以放到冰箱中冷冻吗.冻后观察到的现象是?原因是?结论? 把玻璃瓶放在冰箱冷冻,玻璃瓶爆裂到底是因为温度低、还是因为液体结冰膨胀挤碎瓶子? 夏天,把装啤酒的玻璃瓶放入冰箱的冷冻室,水结冰后,玻璃瓶被胀破了.为什么? 将玻璃瓶装的饮料放入冰柜中冷冻为什么会炸裂? 做几道英语题1.I was reading at ten last night.(对划线部分提问)划线部分为reading ------- --------- you -------- at ten last night .2.He cleaned his clothes yesterday.(用at nine改写句子) He ------- -------his clothes at nine yest 1.It was not until December 31 __________ we heard from him.A.which B.when C.that D.then2.At one time we had about eighty people here who did nothing but __________into various family history.A.researched B.research C.researching D.to research3.— H 英语翻译1.I don’t really work here.I _____ until the new secretary arrives.A.just help out B.have just helped outc.am just helping out D.will just help out.2.He ____ of how he can do more for the people.A.will always think b.is always thinkingC 1.You mustn't talk _____ food _____ you month.A.with;at B.to;in C.with;in D.with;with2.Jenny ____in an office.Her parents in hospital.A.work;works B.works;work C.work;are working D.is working;work 3.I _____but_____nothing.A.was listen What did you find in the corner?I found _____ boy _____there.A.few; crying B.a little; crying C.few; to cry D.little; crieI had great fun _____on Sunday morning.A.cook B.cooked C.cooker D.cooking 几道英语题.请说明原因( )6.——Which of the two English dictionaries will you buy ——I’ll buy ___ of them ,so I can give one to my friend ,Helen .A either B neither C all D .both ( )7 ____ from Beijing to Paris .A How long way it is 需要说明原因1.Tom like Mary_______ when she is angry.A.except B.besides C.execpt for D.but2.The afternoon sun ____ a winter’s day is very low ____the horizon .A.at,on B.on ,at C.in,on D.on,on3.We teachers live ____ our salarise.A.with B.witho 1.---Wang Ping,____is waiting for you outside.---Really?Who can it be?A.someone B.everyone C.anyone D.no one2.You look tired .You'd better_____and have a rest.A.going B.go C.to going D.are going3.I'm sorry to troubie you.It doesn't_____.A.trouble B.w 1.There are five pairs ______,but I'm at a loss which to buy.A.to be chosen B.to choose from C.to choose D.for choosing2.So clearly _____ that even beginners understood what he meant.A.did he say B.did he speak3.——Did anyone support you at the me 1 You can hang up what you like on these -----walks.A bare B empty C blank D vacant2 I saw a lot of children playing in the garden,most of them -----girls.A are B being C were D have been3 The students are forbidden,unless they had special passes,--- 1 The party,-------I was the guest of honor,was extremely enjoyable.A by which B for which C to which D at which2 The thieves fled with the local police close on their------.A backs B necks C toes D heels3 A virus,often too small to be seen except wi 几道英语题 请大家帮忙谢谢啦 最好有解释的1.The editor of magazine is an editor for whom a lot of teenagers have the greatest _____Arespect B energy Cdescription Damusement2.There are usually at least two ______of looking at every q 1 AIDS is said----the number-one killer of both men and women over the past few years in the region.A being B to be C to have been D having been2 The popularity of the film shows that the reviewers' fears were completely------.A unjustified B unjust