
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 20:19:11
miss的意思及其用法 没数学天赋怎么办?文科好,可理科一直上不去, 英语翻译XRD spectra were recorded on a Rigaku Ultima-IV X-ray diffractometerwith Ni-filtered Cu K\3radiation (\3 = 0.15418 nm) operatedat 40 kV and 40mA in air,with an environmental humidity ofaround 60%.Samples were tested under diffraction angl 物主代词相应练习一、用适当的人称代词填空:1.__________ is my aunt.We often visit __________.( she )2.China is a developing country._________is in the east of Asia.( its )3.What day is __________ today?— __________ is Thursday.( 物主代词的练习? 帮帮忙关于物主代词的练习!eg:he lives with his parents.they live with parents.we parents.julia lives .i parents.john .Do you live .Most children . 求接近“全利达”的英文发音 我真傻, 一条难搞的数学题..帮帮忙!~一只大象的体重可达好几吨,一只山羊的体重大约是大象体重的几分之几? 一个数学题,不知怎么搞啊sin61Xcos61X-4.9sin61X=54^2一个物理题,结果得出这么一个不等式 不知道该什么算出X 代词练习题Granny is ill and she doesn't feel like( ) eat something eat anything C.eating something D.eating anything但是我不知道为什么,哪位大侠帮我讲讲... 两个代词练习题15.Everyone who comes to the party is given a wooden apple with _____ own names cut in it as a souvenir.a.his b.her c.their d.our16.Everybody in the class must give in ______ exercise book within the given time.a.their b.our c.hi 代词练习( )dresses are red .(we)what colour are ( )(you)I can find my toy ,but where's( )(you )are these ( )tickets No ( )are not ( ).( )are' t hereshall ( )have a look at that classroom?That is ( )classroom(we)where are ( Tcan't find ( ) 代词练习,谁帮我做一下26.This pencil is not ----,----is at home.27.The twins are from India.----parents are doctor.---go to school by bike .These two bikes are----.28.I've got a good friend.---is a girl.---name is Sally.----mother is an Engl 一道选择,英语的牛津!急That kind of cheese tastes ________ ,so they allawant the second piece.A well B goodC badly D bad 牛津 要写一下原因 英语Shanghai is ____famous_for___ its maght views.The underlined part means____.A famous as B known forC known asD known of希望有人回答,明天就要考试的 25,我就是个数学白痴求回答! 我突然傻X了不知道怎么除了,闷160M的文件,300秒传送完成,问平均1秒传了几M.我突然又想起来了。160M除300不就行了, 为什么说交友需要平等互惠 为什么“公平的合作必然是互惠合作” since和for的区别.problem,question,project的区别,还有学习英语的方法,我的方法太死了也记得不多第一个问题如 ___last month ___yesterday ___1997 是用for还是since , 你是怎么学英语的?是老方法?按照书虫重来?还是向那人说的?帮帮忙,我英语惨不忍睹啊·······先谢过了···· I want told you that i dongn't ansour this question 唉,不喜欢学英语就这样了 汉武大帝时的窦太主和窦太后是什么关系啊? 我四级608,六级591,不知过PETS5有没有问题?另外PETS5值不值得考? 魏武将见匈奴使 魏王是一个什么样的人 由魏武将见匈奴使 评价魏王!快,马上就用! 中用"人不可貌像,海水不可抖量"形容文中魏王是否恰当 杜牧泊秦淮中商女不知亡国恨,隔江犹唱后庭花中商女指什么 RAY BRADBURY THE MARTIAN CHRONICLES怎么样 AKON-against the grain Ft.ray lavender 的中文歌词这首歌很好听 谁有他的中文歌词啊 要中文的英文歌词:aahhh aahhahAH ahh..4X So soft and slow Never knew a girl could be so god damn cold,I know,the way she move got me spendin 汉武帝时期,窦氏太皇太后是什么时候死的?陈皇后是什么时候废的,卫子夫又是什么时候封的?