
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 01:32:36
一门语言常用词汇是多少个?英语一共有多少词汇量?能够与人良好沟通需要多少? 怎么能让自己的英语水平迅速提高.主要是口语日常交流方面的,还有词汇量. 学拼音二十四个字母 怎样提高英语的词汇量? 如何学拼音,我现在很想学!拼音24个字母怎么读?如:“a读成;e读成”其他的帮我写出来.排列要正 改错题Can you tell me how many people are there in your family?1.Can you tell me how many people are there in your family?2.I didn't know how riding a motor-bike.3.Shall i keep him away for school? Could you please tell me how many people are there in Shanxi people are there是 主语+谓语啊,怎么错了? tell the teacher how many people there are in the picture这里有there are对吗是不是因为是祈使句所以不用are there what is your opinion of cloning human beings 求汉语翻译“What is your opinion of children" 英语六级已过,阅读和听力一般,词汇量还挺大的.口语很一般.考中口怎么样英语一直是我的最爱.英语都是很轻松地过了.想考上海中级口译,有谁能给我点建议. 新概念英语1,所有的. 求助:20天快速提高英语水平,主要是口语和词汇量! 英语翻译:我的银行卡被ATM吞了 英文题目What is your pencil made of?(根据实际情况回答) What letter is a large body of the water?的谜底是什么? What large instrument do you carry in your ears? 10,What are the influences of TV ads on us? _____ the pupulation of china is!A what a large B what large C how large D how a large 新概念汉译英星期天他有时候步行去城里.() 新概念1汉译英1.我国的气候并不是很好,但确实很有趣.2.天气是我们最喜欢谈论的话题.3.在冬季太阳升起的迟而落得早.4.在春天,白天长而夜晚短. 6句中译英(新概念)1.父亲退休后TOM将接管工作(提示:TAKE OVER BUSINESS)2.自从退休以来,他积蓄叻一千美元3.EDDY正在攒钱买自信车4.祖孙两人很像5.他辞暸工作自己做老板6.我父亲头两名助手 大众光电的英文翻译大众光电公司的英文1,Dazhong Opto-Electronics Co.,Ltd2, Dazhong Opto Co.,Ltd这两种都行吗?应该怎样较好?谢谢 英语翻译现在要帮人做名片,特别着急!麻烦大家帮我看下,这两个的英文是什么呢? -What's your opinion?-I agree with most of what you said,but I can't agree with ____. what's your trouble?等于what's the mattle? 大一口语 What's your opinion on friendship 雅思作文题目最后问what's your opinion是什么题型要怎么写,如何分段 英语翻译比如本田的ACCORD 叫雅阁,LOROLLA是卡罗卡.要各种型号的, 英语翻译看来最后的审判将要到来,您就把这封信当作远方的朋友信件来读吧.既然我选择了这条路,我就不能有什么怨言.我同大家一起出发,开始时候我就要面对自己给自己提出的疑问.我没有 do you think "limitations are the mother of possibilities"?what's your opinion why? what is your opinion of money?what do you think of all-out donation?can we solve the problem ofrecession by printing more money?why?该怎么回答,要用英语,