
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 05:59:36
In some western countries people are not supposed to eat?their hands.A.use B.with C.to use 可是其他两个为什么不对啊? shall we celebrate the westen festivals/holiday YES/no why 写文章要怎么写 “撞到一起”用英语怎么说 撞着胆子 用英语怎么说? 相互碰撞翻译英文 个位数码都是0、1、2之一,且能被225整除的最小正整数是多少? 已知x为整数,p;x能被5整除;q;x的个位是0或5p是q的什么条件,q是p的什么条件 《夏天》中“总是浸泡在苦涩的汗水里”和“想大声赞美……黄金的夏季”矛盾吗 《夏感》最后一段作者写道夏季“总是浸在苦涩的汗水里”,结尾处又“想大声赞美……黄金的夏季”.1.两者是否矛盾?请简述理由.2.作者为什么要赞美夏季? 夏既然是浸在苦涩的汗水里,作者为何还要大声赞美它呢 高数极限题limx→0(tanx-x)/[xsinx^2+2ln(1+x)(1-cosx)]最好有过程 急,求解一道高数极限题目,limx趋向于a,x-a分之cosx2-cosa2. 大家告诉我一下如何在WORD里查看一篇文章有多少字? 有点急, Our country ___(get) stronger and stronger. 作者在结尾说:“我却要大声赞美这个春与秋之间的黄金的夏季.”作者为什么喜欢夏季?有什么言外之意? “我却想大声赞美这春与秋之间的黄金的夏季”中把黄金换成金黄好不好 缩句 ( 我要赞美这个春与秋之间的黄金的夏季) 作者在结尾说,我却要大声赞美这个春与秋之间的黄金的夏季.作者为什么喜欢夏季,有什么言外之意 limx/√1-cosx,x趋向于0- 趣填反义成语阳春白雪——()爱不释手——()守口如瓶——()当仁不让——()豁然开朗——()安分守己——()循序渐进——()信口开河——()安居乐业——()雪上加霜— Traffic in EnglandWhen you are in England,you must be very careful in the street because the traffic drives on the left.Because you cross a street,you must look at the right first and then the left.In the morning and in the evening when people go to 用等价无穷小替换,求limx趋向于0 1-cosx/xsinx的极限 He showed me his new book同义句表达 趣填反义成语:阳春白雪( ) 英语翻译please take the letter to the post officemary has gone to fectch waterlet me carry the box for youthe teacher lets every students answer a questioni have a problem can you help mejim worked out the phyics problemthere are five in the exer 十三岁的际遇 文中划线句运用了什么修辞手法?有什么作用?请作简要分析 翻译句子He makes his case in a new book 英语翻译jame's new bicycle翻译---james shook his money box again nothing!he carefully counted the coins that lay on the bed.---$24.52 was all that he had the bicycle he wanted was at least $90!how on earth was he going to get the rest of the mo 秋天落叶的词语,不要句子和诗句, How much coffee do you He is taking his book He can taking his book 可以帮我翻译成中文吗 这句话是用了什么修辞手法 急“大树”是指季羡林;“小苗”是指小学生苗苗,这是一种什么的修辞手法!2楼的,你说的我不懂,1楼,本来就是人了还要拟人呀