
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 12:25:09
有没有翻译好用的英汉词典推荐一下(是书不是软件哈) 为何有些国家名称的翻译英汉词典上没有 I'll go shopping with you ,if I( )free tomorrowA will be B shall be C amD was为什么要选C?————————————————————My dream is ( )a successful translator.A to beB beingC beenD be为什么要选A? Do you want to do something different?这句话 something 为什么不变 anything?还有、A lot of climbers have tried to climb the Qomolangma,but only (a few)have succeded.The problem is so difficult that (few)students can work it out.这 1.She was so surprised that her mother____(等待)for her.2.Chinses culture is not so easy _____(understand)3.sometimes it isn't easy____a good teacher at school.4.there are three girls waiting____(cross)a busy street.5.Usually it is difficult___(be) His parents want him to move to New York.But he hasn't____.A.chooseB.made the decision C.make the choiceD.make the planWould you please ___write on the note books?A.don'tB.not toC.not D.to notInstead of _____on acrowded bus,he prefers____a bicycleA.r 初二英语习题讲解My shose are broken.They need ____.A.mend B.to mendC.mending D.to be mend这道题应该选哪一项?为什么? 诗句中有花名的古诗 古代诗词中包含花的诗句 古诗:关于花的诗句关于花的诗句 读完《老人与海》后,你从桑地亚哥身上获得了什么启示? 中的桑地亚哥老人遇到几次鲨鱼?请介绍每次与鲨鱼搏斗过程? 请教老师翻译成英文,作为说明使用帐篷打开,翻转,底部朝上,双手握住帐篷一端,开口背对自己弯曲帐篷,使两端靠近,双手握住帐篷两端对称.左手握住帐篷两端,将帐篷垂直放在地上,将帐篷无门 “这个对话是关于”英语怎么说 完成对话 英语怎么说 "经典对话"用英语怎么说 含有花名的诗句 写出含有花名的古诗诗句梨花:杏花:菊花: 写出含有花名的诗句杏花:桂花:菊花:梅花:梨花: 英语翻译只要翻译第一段就行 过了英语四级的帮我翻译下面的句子(自己翻译,不是用百度翻译和有道词典),好的必采纳,谢谢 百度翻译和有道词典哪个好点 英语翻译用过有道的请回答,百度知道页面是否屏蔽了有道词典翻译 《老人与海》中桑地亚哥是位怎样的老人?在你看来,他是成功了还是失败了?人生的成败到底应该如何衡量? 急!桑地亚哥(老人与海)是怎样的人,在你看来他成功了,还是失败了,人生的成败到底应该如何衡量?!求论证!给的多好我加100 有道词典翻译sexual satisfaction 有点翻译成英文是什么【有道词典】 有道桌面词典翻译水平怎样 有道词典英汉互译版我只要英汉互译的不要什么中法,中日韩日的!有没有?或者是精简版的! 中桑地亚哥是成功者还是失败者?是强者还是弱者?他的奋斗是否有意义?简洁一点! 你的英语很好吗?用英语可以对话吗?用英语怎么说 Another common type of reasoning is the search for causes and results.We want to know whether cigarettes really do cause lung cancer,what causes malnutrition,the decay of teeth.We are equally interested in effects:what is the effect of sulphur or lea