
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 13:42:10
What if you could combine other animals or plants to make something new?翻译下! Raise sth up 比如raise the length up to 3m的意思是提高到3米还是提高了3米? we're sorry,an untrapped error occurred The error message was cannot create ActiveX component谁能帮我解释下这些英文翻译过来是什么意思? we are very sorry,but an internal error occured,please re-install the product to fix the problem.-3/11200Error-Code;1/see Doc#5305是什么软件出错了呢? 新闻有哪3个特点内 WANT TO的否定形式,急,我会很快的就采纳We didn't want them to say we had sexually assaulted or raped them,so we wanted to prove that they weren't virgins in the first place," the general said."None of them were (virgins).我想知道,didn sent ______(ask) for. --Are you really through with the job?--No,____ ,I've just begun.A.on the other hand B.on the contraryC.on the one hand D.in a moment101.32 with a single line through the center 的意思经常在试卷上看到,具体的意思是什么啊 supply - supplyment,move - movement,都作名词时什么区别?某可作名词的单词,后面加上ment也和原来的意思一样,那什么区别啊?比如,supply - supplyment,supply本可作名词“供给”的意思,和supplyment区别在哪里 move的名词 4.Don't worry ,Tony.I will drive you home if there are no ______ (taxi). 18比14 1比5/6 25比4/5 6.3比9 1/4比0.35的最简整数比 真数是不是大于1且不等于0啊?如题y=lg(***) (***) 的要求 对数的真数是大于0还是不等于0 全集为R,集合A={x ,x小于2}B={x,log3为底x为真数大于0},A交B=多少 雅思听力和阅读评分标准! 在那边的英语单词 凿壁借光中主人明白匡衡不要钱的原因后,为什么感叹? 主人明白了匡衡不要报酬的原因后,为什么感叹? 经历的挫折的环境描写曾经经历的挫折中穿插环境描写~200字就行了~我实在想不到有什么挫折! 《匡衡勤学》中记叙了有关匡衡的几件事?你能概括的写出来吗?反映了匡衡怎么的 精神? 匡衡勤学这篇古文记述了匡衡的哪几件事,反映了匡衡怎样的精神? 谁能告诉我雅思听力阅读的评分标准, forgive me 什么意思 forgive -Do you know everybody ______came to the party?-Almost.But I don-t know the one ______you talked with near the door.A.who; / B.whose; that C.that; which D./; whom 关于whatever的词性问题我查了一下字典,whatever有三种词性:代词、形容词、副词像下面这个例子中whatever是什么词性呢,我的困惑:如果说这里的whatever是代词,那么逗号前后是两个独立的句子, forgive me是什么意思? Entreat you forgive whatever的词性?prepare you for whatever life brings . Forgive me for not mature enough,you have to