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英语翻译中国福建省晋江市青阳镇梅岭大井口33号302室但是我不懂为什麼答案都不一样 我英文不懂到底那样是正确的 在下列句子中,找出错误的地方,并将正确答案填在括号里1.this is a orange book.( )2.they are box.( )3.what is they doing?( )4.I like swim.( )5.she’s talting to hers friend.( ) 找出句子中错误的地方,并改正.( 填字母 、横线上填改后的句子)1、He can't playing chess.( ) a b c___________________2、My biethday is in march 25 th.( )a b c___________________3、Does she has a computer?( )a b c______________ 1.A Cat sit on the tree.2.I want toread yesterday news.3.How much pens do you have?4.he doesn't redas Chinese every morning.5.My brother bag is biack,This one is her.6.Do her pen pal comes from China?7.How often does he watches Tv?把这些句子错 将下列句子中错误选项的序号填在题前的括号里,并将正确答案写在横线上 改正下列句子的错误,为什么要这样改?1、After so many years of toiling,his health is no longer that it used to be.2、They want to explain that we possess certain characteristic and exhibit certain behavior.3、What has happened is peop 已知-π/3≤x≤π/4,f(x)=tan^2x+2tanx+2,求f(x)的最值及对应的x值 要具体的解题步骤 已知f(2x+1)=x的平方-2x,求f(x)及f(3)详细解答. 英语翻译请求以下中文翻译英语,请问您的取件地址(指快递取件)是哪里?您要发往哪个城市? 给下列句子用所给词的适当形式填空1.tom,------(not walk)on the grass.2.we like------(play)football after school. 初中英语用选择正确形式填空ask,say,find,answer,speak,see,talk,look,watch,tell1,the radio___that it was going to rain later in the day2,the teacher____him not to be late next time3,she_____english much better than french4,my father is____w 现在我一做这题目就慌神 ,时间太有限了 填上一个合适单词1,in the rain her shoes aren't dry.they are all_____2,the ice on the lake is_______,it isn't thick.don't skate on it3,summer is the____season of the year,and ______it the coldest season of the year4,in zhongshan,we can see ice 已知函数fx=Asin(wx+派/4)(A>0.W>0)的最大值为4.最小正周期为2派/3(1)求fx的解析式,(2)设a属于(派/2.派)且 f(2/3a+派/12)=1/2,求cosa的值 初中英语选择填空1、-hi,john.what are you going to do this sunday?-( ).do you have any ideas?A/nothing serious B/nothing much C/no problem D/thank you.2、-how long will you stay here?-i think i will be here for ( )more days .A/a few B/a litt 如何回答政治主观题我学政治,把书本梳理地很熟了,可主观题还是分很少.有的同学不怎么整理都能南高分,我该怎么办? 如果多项式4a的平方+(m-1)a+9是一个完全平方式,m=? 如何解答政治评析型主观题 一个多项式的平方是4a∧2+12ab+m∧2 .m等于多少?使用公式 济南的夏天阅读答案俗话说:‘天有不测风云.”我觉得,用这句话来形容济南夏天的天气,真是太恰当不过了.暑假里的一天,天气热得厉害.太阳毒辣辣地烘烤着大地,整天没有一丝风,护城河旁 济南的夏天阅读答案 急 俗话说:‘天有不测风云.”我觉得,用这句话来形容济南夏天的天气,真是太恰当不过了.暑假里的一天,天气热得厉害.太阳毒辣辣地烘烤着大地,整天没有一丝风,护城河 用正确的形式填空(进来就选最佳,有原因更好)1.Our maths homework is very (easy).2.They are working (hard) to learn how to swim.3.Don't go near the river — it isn't (safe).4.Lorna cooks (bad).5.He (quick) put the money back in th 2011朝阳高三二模生物29题第3问详解卷子文库有,不知道24种怎么算得, 为什么选d?【2014年高考海南卷21题】在某只鸟的一窝灰壳蛋中发现一枚绿壳蛋,有人说这是另一种鸟的蛋.若要探究这种说法是否成立,下列做法中,不可能提供有效信息的是A.观察该鸟是否将该 2013-2014朝阳高三期末文科数学 高一政治第1题 某市在经济发展、社会进步的同时,面临着以下问题:房价上涨比较快,中低价位、中小户型房屋严重供不应求;10%最高收入家庭的财产总额是10%最低收入家庭的30倍;某些政府公职人员失职渎 若x表示一个有理数且-4>x>2,则有理数x的取值范围是 若x表示一个有理数,且-4 教我填空将2.101,7分之15,210.8%,6分之13这四个数按从大到小的顺序排列起来.( )>( )>( )>( ) 填空!教教我!行( )里路,读( )卷书! 请详述 最好有例子和理解